property galois.BCH.n : int

The codeword size \(n\) of the \([n, k, d]_q\) code. This is also called the code length.


Construct a binary \(\textrm{BCH}(15, 7)\) code.

In [1]: bch = galois.BCH(15, 7); bch
Out[1]: <BCH Code: [15, 7, 5] over GF(2)>

In [2]: bch.n
Out[2]: 15

Construct a \(\textrm{BCH}(26, 14)\) code over \(\mathrm{GF}(3)\).

In [3]: bch = galois.BCH(26, 14, field=galois.GF(3)); bch
Out[3]: <BCH Code: [26, 14, 7] over GF(3)>

In [4]: bch.n
Out[4]: 26