Source code for galois

A performant numpy extension for Galois fields.
from .version import __version__

from .algorithm import factors, euclidean_algorithm, extended_euclidean_algorithm, chinese_remainder_theorem, euler_totient, carmichael, primitive_root
from .gf import GF
from .gf2 import GF2
from .gf2m import GF2m
from .gfp import GFp
from .modular import modular_exp
from .poly import Poly
from .prime import prev_prime, next_prime, prime_factors, is_prime, fermat_primality_test, miller_rabin_primality_test

[docs]def GF_factory(characteristic, degree, prim_poly=None, target="cpu", mode="auto", rebuild=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Factory function to construct Galois field array classes of type :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Parameters ---------- characteristic : int The prime characteristic :math:`p` of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. degree : int The prime characteristic's degree :math:`m` of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. prim_poly : galois.Poly, optional The primitive polynomial of the field. Default is `None` which will use the Conway polynomial obtained from :obj:`galois.conway_poly`. target : str The `target` keyword argument from :obj:`numba.vectorize`, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. mode : str, optional The type of field computation, either `"auto"`, `"lookup"`, or `"calculate"`. The default is `"auto"`. The "lookup" mode will use Zech log, log, and anti-log lookup tables for speed. The "calculate" mode will not store any lookup tables, but perform field arithmetic on the fly. The "calculate" mode is designed for large fields that cannot store lookup tables in RAM. Generally, "calculate" will be slower than "lookup". The "auto" mode will determine whether to use "lookup" or "calculate" based on the field size. For "auto", field's with `order <= 2**16` will use the "lookup" mode. rebuild : bool, optional Indicates whether to force a rebuild of the lookup tables. The default is `False`. Returns ------- galois.GF2, galois.GF2m, galois.GFp, galois.GFpm A new Galois field class that is a sublcass of `galois.GF`. """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import numpy as np if not isinstance(characteristic, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Galois field GF(p^m) prime characteristic `p` must be an int, not {type(characteristic)}") if not isinstance(degree, int): raise TypeError(f"Galois field GF(p^m) characteristic degree `m` must be an int, not {type(degree)}") if not (prim_poly is None or isinstance(prim_poly, Poly)): raise TypeError(f"Primitive polynomial `prim_poly` must be either None or galois.Poly, not {type(prim_poly)}") if not isinstance(rebuild, bool): raise TypeError(f"The 'rebuild' argument must be a bool, not {type(rebuild)}") if not is_prime(characteristic): raise ValueError(f"Galois field GF(p^m) characteristic `p` must be prime, not {characteristic}") if not degree >= 1: raise ValueError(f"Galois field GF(p^m) characteristic degree `m` must be >= 1, not {degree}") # If the requested field has already been constructed, return it instead of rebuilding key = (characteristic, degree, mode) if not rebuild and key in GF_factory.classes: return GF_factory.classes[key] if characteristic == 2 and degree == 1: if not (prim_poly is None or prim_poly is GF2.prim_poly): raise ValueError(f"In GF(2), the primitive polynomial `prim_poly` must be either None or {GF2.prim_poly}, not {prim_poly}") cls = GF2 elif characteristic == 2: cls = _GF2m_factory(degree, prim_poly=prim_poly, target=target, mode=mode) else: cls = _GFp_factory(characteristic, prim_poly=prim_poly, target=target, mode=mode) # Add class to dictionary of flyweights GF_factory.classes[key] = cls return cls
GF_factory.classes = {} def _GF2m_factory(m, prim_poly=None, target="cpu", mode="auto"): # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import numpy as np from .gf import DTYPES characteristic = 2 degree = m order = characteristic**degree # name = "GF{}".format(order) name = f"GF{characteristic}^{degree}" if order - 1 > 2**62: # TODO: Double check these conditions dtypes = [np.object_] else: dtypes = [dtype for dtype in DTYPES if np.iinfo(dtype).max >= order - 1] # Use the smallest primitive root as the multiplicative generator for the field alpha = 2 if prim_poly is None: prim_poly = conway_poly(characteristic, degree) # Create new class type cls = type(name, (GF2m,), { "characteristic": characteristic, "degree": degree, "order": order, "prim_poly": prim_poly, "dtypes": dtypes }) # Define the primitive element as a 0-dim array in the newly created Galois field array class cls.alpha = cls(alpha) # JIT compile the numba ufuncs if mode == "auto": mode = "lookup" if cls.order <= 2**16 else "calculate", mode) # Add helper variables for python ufuncs. This prevents the ufuncs from having to repeatedly calculate them. cls._alpha_dec = int(cls.alpha) # pylint: disable=protected-access cls._prim_poly_dec = cls.prim_poly.decimal # pylint: disable=protected-access return cls def _GFp_factory(p, prim_poly=None, target="cpu", mode="auto"): # pylint: disable=unused-argument # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import numpy as np from .gf import DTYPES characteristic = p degree = 1 order = characteristic**degree name = "GF{}".format(order) if order - 1 > 2**31: # Orders of 2^31 or less can be stored as uint32 or int64. This is because we need to sometimes calculate # `(a * b) % prime` in a field and we need (2^31) * (2^31) = 2^62 < 2^63 to fit in an int64. Values larger # than 2^31 need to be stored as dtype=np.object_. # TODO: Double check these conditions dtypes = [np.object_] else: dtypes = [dtype for dtype in DTYPES if np.iinfo(dtype).max >= order - 1] # Use the smallest primitive root as the multiplicative generator for the field alpha = primitive_root(p) # Create new class type cls = type(name, (GFp,), { "characteristic": characteristic, "degree": degree, "order": order, "dtypes": dtypes }) # Define the primitive element as a 0-dim array in the newly created Galois field array class cls.alpha = cls(alpha) # JIT compile the numba ufuncs if mode == "auto": mode = "lookup" if cls.order <= 2**16 else "calculate", mode) cls.prim_poly = Poly([1, -alpha], field=cls) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type # Add helper variables for python ufuncs. This prevents the ufuncs from having to repeatedly calculate them. cls._alpha_dec = int(cls.alpha) # pylint: disable=protected-access cls._prim_poly_dec = cls.prim_poly.decimal # pylint: disable=protected-access return cls
[docs]def conway_poly(characteristic, degree): """ Returns the Conway polynomial for :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. This function uses Frank Luebeck's Conway polynomial database. See: Parameters ---------- characteristic : int The prime characteristic :math:`p` of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. degree : int The prime characteristic's degree :math:`m` of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The degree-:math:`m` polynomial in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]`. Note ---- If the :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` field hasn't already been created, it will be created in this function since it's needed in the return polynomial. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.conway_poly(2, 100) galois.conway_poly(7, 13) """ # pylint: disable=import-outside-toplevel import numpy as np from .conway import ConwayDatabase if not isinstance(characteristic, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"GF(p^m) prime characteristic `p` must be an integer, not {type(characteristic)}") if not isinstance(degree, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"GF(p^m) characteristic degree `m` must be an integer, not {type(degree)}") db = ConwayDatabase() coeffs = db.fetch(characteristic, degree) if coeffs is None: raise ValueError(f"Frank Luebeck's database of Conway polynomials doesn't contain an entry for GF({characteristic}^{degree})") coeffs = list(map(int, coeffs[1:-1].split(","))) # List of degree-ascending coefficients field = GF2 if characteristic == 2 else _GFp_factory(characteristic) return Poly(coeffs[::-1], field=field)
# Create the default GF2 class and target the numba ufuncs for "cpu" (lowest overhead)"cpu") GF2.alpha = GF2(1) # Define the GF2 primitve polynomial here, not in, to avoid a circular dependency. # The primitive polynomial is p(x) = x - alpha, where alpha=1. Over GF2, this is equivalent # to p(x) = x + 1 GF2.prim_poly = conway_poly(2, 1)