Source code for galois.algorithm

import math
from itertools import combinations

import numba
import numpy as np

def _numba_factors(n):  # pragma: no cover
    f = []  # Positive factors
    max_factor = int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(n)))
    for i in range(1, max_factor + 1):
        if n % i == 0:
            q = n // i
            f.extend([i, q])
    return f

[docs]def factors(n): """ Returns the positive factors of the integer :math:`n`. Parameters ---------- n : int An integer to be factored. Returns ------- list Sorted array of factors of :math:`n`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.factors(120) """ if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `n` must be an integer, not {type(n)}.") f = _numba_factors(n) return sorted(list(set(f))) # Use set() to remove duplicates
[docs]def gcd(a, b): """ Finds the integer multiplicands of :math:`a` and :math:`b` such that :math:`a x + b y = gcd(a, b)`. This implementation uses the Extended Euclidean Algorithm. Parameters ---------- a : int Any integer. b : int Any integer. Returns ------- int Greatest common divisor of :math:`a` and :math:`b`. int Integer :math:`x`, such that :math:`a x + b y = gcd(a, b)`. int Integer :math:`y`, such that :math:`a x + b y = gcd(a, b)`. References ---------- * T. Moon, "Error Correction Coding", Section 5.2.2: The Euclidean Algorithm and Euclidean Domains, p. 181 * Examples -------- .. ipython:: python a = 2 b = 13 gcd, x, y = galois.gcd(a, b) gcd, x, y a*x + b*y == gcd """ if not isinstance(a, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `a` must be an integer, not {type(a)}.") if not isinstance(b, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `b` must be an integer, not {type(b)}.") r = [a, b] s = [1, 0] t = [0, 1] while True: qi = r[-2] // r[-1] ri = r[-2] % r[-1] r.append(ri) s.append(s[-2] - qi*s[-1]) t.append(t[-2] - qi*t[-1]) if ri == 0: break return r[-2], s[-2], t[-2]
@numba.jit("int64[:](int64, int64)", nopython=True) def gcd_jit(a, b): # pragma: no cover r = [a, b] s = [1, 0] t = [0, 1] while True: qi = r[-2] // r[-1] ri = r[-2] % r[-1] r.append(ri) s.append(s[-2] - qi*s[-1]) t.append(t[-2] - qi*t[-1]) if ri == 0: break return np.array([r[-2], s[-2], t[-2]], dtype=np.int64)
[docs]def chinese_remainder_theorem(a, m): """ Solves the simultaneous system of congruences for :math:`x`. .. math:: x &\\equiv a_1\\ (\\textrm{mod}\\ m_1) x &\\equiv a_2\\ (\\textrm{mod}\\ m_2) x &\\equiv \\ldots x &\\equiv a_n\\ (\\textrm{mod}\\ m_n) Parameters ---------- a : array_like The integer remainders :math:`a_i`. m : array_like The integer modulii :math:`m_i`. Returns ------- int The simultaneous solution :math:`x` to the system of congruences. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python a = [0, 3, 4] m = [3, 4, 5] x = galois.chinese_remainder_theorem(a, m); x for i in range(len(a)): ai = x % m[i] print(f"{x} = {ai} (mod {m[i]}), Valid congruence: {ai == a[i]}") """ a = np.array(a) m = np.array(m) if not m.size == a.size: raise ValueError(f"Arguments `a` and `m` are not the same size, {a.size} != {m.size}.") for pair in combinations(m, 2): if not math.gcd(pair[0], pair[1]) == 1: raise ValueError(f"Elements of argument `m` must be pairwise coprime, {pair} are not.") # Iterate through the system of congruences reducing a pair of congruences into a # single one. The answer to the final congruence solves all the congruences. a1 = a[0] m1 = m[0] for i in range(1, m.size): a2 = a[i] m2 = m[i] # Use the Extended Euclidean Algorithm to determine: b1*m1 + b2*m2 = 1, # where 1 is the GCD(m1, m2) because m1 and m2 are pairwise relatively coprime b1, b2 = gcd(m1, m2)[1:3] # Compute x through explicit construction x = a1*b2*m2 + a2*b1*m1 m1 = m1 * m2 # The new modulus a1 = x % m1 # The new equivalent remainder # Align x to be within [0, prod(m)) x = x % return x