Source code for

from galois.gf_extension import GF_extension
from .gf_prime import GF_prime
from .prime import prime_factors

[docs]def GF(order, irreducible_poly=None, primitive_element=None, verify_irreducible=True, verify_primitive=True, mode="auto", target="cpu"): """ Factory function to construct a Galois field array class of type :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The created class will be a subclass of :obj:`galois.GFArray` with metaclass :obj:`galois.GFMeta`. The :obj:`galois.GFArray` inheritance provides the :obj:`numpy.ndarray` functionality. The :obj:`galois.GFMeta` metaclass provides a variety of class attributes and methods relating to the finite field. Parameters ---------- order : int The order :math:`p^m` of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The order must be a prime power. irreducible_poly : int, galois.Poly, optional Optionally specify an irreducible polynomial of degree :math:`m` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` that will define the Galois field arithmetic. An integer may be provided, which is the integer representation of the irreducible polynomial. Default is `None` which uses the Conway polynomial :math:`C_{p,m}` obtained from :func:`galois.conway_poly`. primitive_element : int, galois.Poly, optional Optionally specify a primitive element of the field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. A primitive element is a generator of the multiplicative group of the field. For prime fields :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`, the primitive element must be an integer and is a primitive root modulo :math:`p`. For extension fields :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`, the primitive element is a polynomial of degree less than :math:`m` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` or its integer representation. The default is `None` which uses :obj:`galois.primitive_root(p)` for prime fields and :obj:`galois.primitive_element(irreducible_poly)` for extension fields. verify_irreducible : bool, optional Indicates whether to verify that the specified irreducible polynomial is in fact irreducible. The default is `True`. For large irreducible polynomials that are already known to be irreducible (and may take a long time to verify), this argument can be set to `False`. verify_primitive : bool, optional Indicates whether to verify that the specified primitive element is in fact a generator of the multiplicative group. The default is `True`. mode : str, optional The type of field computation, either `"auto"`, `"jit-lookup"`, or `"jit-calculate"`. The default is `"auto"`. The "jit-lookup" mode will use Zech log, log, and anti-log lookup tables for efficient calculation. The "jit-calculate" mode will not store any lookup tables, but instead perform field arithmetic on the fly. The "jit-calculate" mode is designed for large fields that cannot or should not store lookup tables in RAM. Generally, "jit-calculate" mode will be slower than "jit-lookup". The "auto" mode will determine whether to use "jit-lookup" or "jit-calculate" based on the field's size. In "auto" mode, field's with `order <= 2**16` will use the "jit-lookup" mode. target : str, optional The `target` keyword argument from :func:`numba.vectorize`, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. Returns ------- galois.GFMeta A new Galois field array class that is a subclass of :obj:`galois.GFArray` with :obj:`galois.GFMeta` metaclass. Examples -------- Construct a Galois field array class with default irreducible polynomial and primitive element. .. ipython:: python # Construct a GF(2^m) class GF256 = galois.GF(2**8) # Notice the irreducible polynomial is primitive print( poly = GF256.irreducible_poly Construct a Galois field specifying a specific irreducible polynomial. .. ipython:: python # Field used in AES GF256_AES = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) print( # Construct a GF(p) class GF571 = galois.GF(571); print( # Construct a very large GF(2^m) class GF2m = galois.GF(2**100); print( # Construct a very large GF(p) class GFp = galois.GF(36893488147419103183); print( See :obj:`galois.GFArray` for more examples of what Galois field arrays can do. """ if not isinstance(order, int): raise TypeError(f"Argument `order` must be an integer, not {type(order)}.") p, k = prime_factors(order) if not len(p) == len(k) == 1: s = " + ".join([f"{pp}**{kk}" for pp, kk in zip(p, k)]) raise ValueError(f"Argument `order` must be a prime power, not {order} = {s}.") p, m = p[0], k[0] if m == 1: if not irreducible_poly is None: raise ValueError(f"Argument `irreducible_poly` can only be specified for prime fields, not the extension field GF({p}^{m}).") return GF_prime(p, primitive_element=primitive_element, verify_primitive=verify_primitive, target=target, mode=mode) else: return GF_extension(p, m, primitive_element=primitive_element, irreducible_poly=irreducible_poly, verify_primitive=verify_primitive, verify_irreducible=verify_irreducible, target=target, mode=mode)