Source code for galois.gf2

from .array import GFArray
from .meta_gf2 import GF2Meta

# Create GF2 class for use in

[docs]class GF2(GFArray, metaclass=GF2Meta, mode="jit-calculate", target="cpu"): # pylint: disable=too-many-ancestors """ A pre-created Galois field array class for :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. This class is a subclass of :obj:`galois.GFArray` and has metaclass :obj:`galois.GFMeta`. Examples -------- This class is equivalent (and, in fact, identical) to the class returned from the Galois field array class constructor. .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF2) GF2 = galois.GF(2); print(GF2) GF2 is galois.GF2 The Galois field properties can be viewed by class attributes, see :obj:`galois.GFMeta`. .. ipython:: python # View a summary of the field's properties print( # Or access each attribute individually galois.GF2.irreducible_poly galois.GF2.is_prime_field The class's constructor mimics the call signature of :func:`numpy.array`. .. ipython:: python # Construct a Galois field array from an iterable galois.GF2([1,0,1,1,0,0,0,1]) # Or an iterable of iterables galois.GF2([[1,0],[1,1]]) # Or a single integer galois.GF2(1) """