Source code for galois.math_

A module that contains some future features of the math stdlib for earlier Python versions.
import math
import sys

import numpy as np

[docs]def isqrt(n): """ Computes the integer square root of :math:`n` such that :math:`\\textrm{isqrt}(n)^2 \\le n`. Note ---- This function is included for Python versions before 3.8. For Python 3.8 and later, this function calls :func:`math.isqrt` from the standard library. Parameters ---------- n : int A non-negative integer. Returns ------- int The integer square root of :math:`n` such that :math:`\\textrm{isqrt}(n)^2 \\le n`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python # Use a large Mersenne prime p = galois.mersenne_primes(2000)[-1]; p sqrt_p = galois.isqrt(p); sqrt_p sqrt_p**2 <= p (sqrt_p + 1)**2 <= p """ if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 8: return math.isqrt(n) # pylint: disable=no-member else: if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `n` must be an integer, not {type(n)}.") if not n >= 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `n` must be non-negative, not {n}.") n = int(n) if n < 2: return n small_candidate = isqrt(n >> 2) << 1 large_candidate = small_candidate + 1 if large_candidate * large_candidate > n: return small_candidate else: return large_candidate
[docs]def lcm(*integers): """ Computes the least common multiple of the integer arguments. Note ---- This function is included for Python versions before 3.9. For Python 3.9 and later, this function calls :func:`math.lcm` from the standard library. Returns ------- int The least common multiple of the integer arguments. If any argument is 0, the LCM is 0. If no arguments are provided, 1 is returned. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.lcm() galois.lcm(2, 4, 14) galois.lcm(3, 0, 9) This function also works on arbitrarily-large integers. .. ipython:: python prime1, prime2 = galois.mersenne_primes(100)[-2:] prime1, prime2 lcm = galois.lcm(prime1, prime2); lcm lcm == prime1 * prime2 """ if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor >= 9: return math.lcm(*integers) # pylint: disable=no-member else: _lcm = 1 for integer in integers: _lcm = _lcm * integer // math.gcd(_lcm, integer) return _lcm