Source code for galois.meta_gf

import numpy as np

from .meta_mixin_target import TargetMixin
from .modular import totatives

[docs]class GFMeta(TargetMixin): """ Defines a metaclass for all :obj:`galois.GFArray` classes. This metaclass gives :obj:`galois.GFArray` classes returned from :func:`galois.GF` class methods and properties relating to its Galois field. """ # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter,comparison-with-callable,too-many-public-methods def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace) def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): super().__init__(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) cls._characteristic = None cls._degree = None cls._order = None cls._irreducible_poly = None cls._is_primitive_poly = None cls._primitive_element = None cls._ground_field = None cls._ufunc_mode = None cls._ufunc_target = None cls._display_mode = "int" cls._display_poly_var = "α" def __str__(cls): return f"<class 'numpy.ndarray over {}'>" def __repr__(cls): return f"<class 'numpy.ndarray over {}'>" ############################################################################### # Class methods ###############################################################################
[docs] def compile(cls, mode, target="cpu"): """ Recompile the just-in-time compiled numba ufuncs with a new calculation mode or target. Parameters ---------- mode : str The method of field computation, either `"jit-lookup"`, `"jit-calculate"`, `"python-calculate"`. The "jit-lookup" mode will use Zech log, log, and anti-log lookup tables for speed. The "jit-calculate" mode will not store any lookup tables, but perform field arithmetic on the fly. The "jit-calculate" mode is designed for large fields that cannot store lookup tables in RAM. Generally, "jit-calculate" is slower than "jit-lookup". The "python-calculate" mode is reserved for extremely large fields. In this mode the ufuncs are not JIT-compiled, but are pur python functions operating on python ints. The list of valid modes for this field is in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.ufunc_modes`. target : str, optional The `target` keyword argument from :obj:`numba.vectorize`, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. The default is `"cpu"`. For extremely large fields the only supported target is `"cpu"` (which doesn't use numba it uses pure python to calculate the field arithmetic). The list of valid targets for this field is in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.ufunc_targets`. """ mode = cls.default_ufunc_mode if mode == "auto" else mode if mode not in cls.ufunc_modes: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in {cls.ufunc_modes} for {}, not {mode}.") if target not in cls.ufunc_targets: raise ValueError(f"Argument `target` must be in {cls.ufunc_targets} for {}, not {target}.") if mode == cls.ufunc_mode and target == cls.ufunc_target: # Don't need to rebuild these ufuncs return cls._ufunc_mode = mode cls._ufunc_target = target if cls.ufunc_mode == "jit-lookup": cls._compile_jit_lookup(target) elif cls.ufunc_mode == "jit-calculate": cls._compile_jit_calculate(target) elif cls.ufunc_mode == "python-calculate": cls._compile_python_calculate() else: raise RuntimeError(f"Attribute `ufunc_mode` was not processed, {cls._ufunc_mode}. Please submit a GitHub issue at")
[docs] def display(cls, mode="int", poly_var="α"): """ Sets the display mode for all Galois field arrays of this type. The display mode can be set to either the integer representation or polynomial representation. This function updates :obj:`display_mode` and :obj:`display_poly_var`. Parameters ---------- mode : str, optional The field element display mode, either `"int"` (default) or `"poly"`. poly_var : str, optional The polynomial representation's variable. The default is `"α"`. Examples -------- Change the display mode by calling the :func:`display` method. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) a = GF.Random(); a GF.display("poly"); a # Reset to the default display mode GF.display(); a The :func:`display` method can also be used as a context manager. .. ipython:: python # The original display mode a # The new display context with GF.display("poly"): print(a) # Returns to the default display mode a """ if mode not in ["int", "poly"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in ['int', 'poly'], not {mode}.") if not isinstance(poly_var, str): raise TypeError(f"Argument `poly_var` must be a string, not {type(poly_var)}.") context = DisplayContext(cls) # Set the new state cls._display_mode = mode cls._display_poly_var = poly_var return context
############################################################################### # Class attributes ############################################################################### @property def name(cls): """ str: The Galois field name. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).name galois.GF(2**8).name galois.GF(31).name # galois.GF(7**5).name """ if cls._degree == 1: return f"GF({cls._characteristic})" else: return f"GF({cls._characteristic}^{cls._degree})" @property def characteristic(cls): """ int: The prime characteristic :math:`p` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Adding :math:`p` copies of any element will always result in :math:`0`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.characteristic a = GF.Random(); a a * GF.characteristic .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.characteristic a = GF.Random(); a a * GF.characteristic """ return cls._characteristic @property def degree(cls): """ int: The prime characteristic's degree :math:`m` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The degree is a positive integer. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).degree galois.GF(2**8).degree galois.GF(31).degree # galois.GF(7**5).degree """ return cls._degree @property def order(cls): """ int: The order :math:`p^m` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The order of the field is also equal to the field's size. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).order galois.GF(2**8).order galois.GF(31).order # galois.GF(7**5).order """ return cls._order @property def irreducible_poly(cls): """ galois.Poly: The irreducible polynomial :math:`f(x)` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The irreducible polynomial is of degree :math:`m` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).irreducible_poly galois.GF(2**8).irreducible_poly galois.GF(31).irreducible_poly # galois.GF(7**5).irreducible_poly """ # Ensure accesses of this property don't alter it return cls._irreducible_poly.copy() @property def is_primitive_poly(cls): """ bool: Indicates whether the :obj:`irreducible_poly` is a primitive polynomial. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.irreducible_poly GF.primitive_element # The irreducible polynomial is a primitive polynomial is the primitive element is a root GF.irreducible_poly(GF.primitive_element, field=GF) GF.is_primitive_poly .. ipython:: python # Field used in AES GF = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) GF.irreducible_poly GF.primitive_element # The irreducible polynomial is a primitive polynomial is the primitive element is a root GF.irreducible_poly(GF.primitive_element, field=GF) GF.is_primitive_poly """ return cls._is_primitive_poly @property def primitive_element(cls): """ int: A primitive element :math:`\\alpha` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. A primitive element is a multiplicative generator of the field, such that :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m) = \\{0, 1, \\alpha^1, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{p^m - 2}\\}`. A primitive element is a root of the primitive polynomial :math:`\\f(x)`, such that :math:`f(\\alpha) = 0` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).primitive_element galois.GF(2**8).primitive_element galois.GF(31).primitive_element # galois.GF(7**5).primitive_element """ # Ensure accesses of this property don't alter it return np.copy(cls._primitive_element) @property def primitive_elements(cls): """ int: All primitive elements :math:`\\alpha` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. A primitive element is a multiplicative generator of the field, such that :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m) = \\{0, 1, \\alpha^1, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{p^m - 2}\\}`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).primitive_elements galois.GF(2**8).primitive_elements galois.GF(31).primitive_elements # galois.GF(7**5).primitive_elements """ powers = np.array(totatives(cls.order - 1)) return np.sort(cls.primitive_element ** powers) @property def is_prime_field(cls): """ bool: Indicates if the field's order is prime. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).is_prime_field galois.GF(2**8).is_prime_field galois.GF(31).is_prime_field # galois.GF(7**5).is_prime_field """ return cls._degree == 1 @property def is_extension_field(cls): """ bool: Indicates if the field's order is a prime power. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).is_extension_field galois.GF(2**8).is_extension_field galois.GF(31).is_extension_field # galois.GF(7**5).is_extension_field """ return cls._degree > 1 @property def ground_field(cls): """ galois.GFMeta: The ground field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` of the extension field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF(2) print(galois.GF(2**8) print(galois.GF(31) # print(galois.GF(7**5) """ return cls._ground_field @property def dtypes(cls): """ list: List of valid integer :obj:`numpy.dtype` objects that are compatible with this Galois field. Valid data types are signed and unsinged integers that can represent decimal values in :math:`[0, p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).dtypes galois.GF(2**8).dtypes galois.GF(31).dtypes # galois.GF(7**5).dtypes For field's with orders that cannot be represented by :obj:`numpy.int64`, the only valid dtype is :obj:`numpy.object_`. .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2**100).dtypes galois.GF(36893488147419103183).dtypes """ raise NotImplementedError @property def ufunc_mode(cls): """ str: The mode for ufunc compilation, either `"jit-lookup"`, `"jit-calculate"`, `"python-calculate"`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_mode galois.GF(31).ufunc_mode # galois.GF(7**5).ufunc_mode """ return cls._ufunc_mode @property def ufunc_modes(cls): """ list: All supported ufunc modes for this Galois field array class. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_modes galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_modes galois.GF(31).ufunc_modes galois.GF(2**100).ufunc_modes """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return ["python-calculate"] else: return ["jit-lookup", "jit-calculate"] @property def default_ufunc_mode(cls): """ str: The default ufunc arithmetic mode for this Galois field. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**8).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(31).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**100).default_ufunc_mode """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return "python-calculate" elif cls.order <= 2**20: return "jit-lookup" else: return "jit-calculate" @property def ufunc_target(cls): """ str: The numba target for the JIT-compiled ufuncs, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_target galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_target galois.GF(31).ufunc_target # galois.GF(7**5).ufunc_target """ return cls._ufunc_target @property def ufunc_targets(cls): """ list: All supported ufunc targets for this Galois field array class. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_targets galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_targets galois.GF(31).ufunc_targets galois.GF(2**100).ufunc_targets """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return ["cpu"] else: return ["cpu", "parallel", "cuda"] @property def display_mode(cls): """ str: The representation of Galois field elements, either `"int"` or `"poly"`. This can be changed with :func:`display`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.display_mode a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(GF.display_mode) print(a) """ return cls._display_mode @property def display_poly_var(cls): """ str: The polynomial indeterminate for the polynomial representation of the field elements. The default is `"α"`. This can be changed with :func:`display`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.display_mode, GF.display_poly_var a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(GF.display_mode, GF.display_poly_var) print(a) """ return cls._display_poly_var @property def properties(cls): """ str: A formmatted string displaying relevant properties of the Galois field. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF(2).properties) print(galois.GF(2**8).properties) print(galois.GF(31).properties) # print(galois.GF(7**5).properties) """ string = f"{}:" string += f"\n characteristic: {cls.characteristic}" string += f"\n degree: {}" string += f"\n order: {cls.order}" string += f"\n irreducible_poly: {cls.irreducible_poly}" string += f"\n is_primitive_poly: {cls.is_primitive_poly}" string += f"\n primitive_element: {cls.primitive_element!r}" return string
class DisplayContext: """ Simple context manager for the :obj:`GFArrayMeta.display` method. """ def __init__(self, cls): # Save the previous state self.cls = cls self.mode = cls.display_mode self.poly_var = cls.display_poly_var def __enter__(self): # Don't need to do anything, we already set the new mode and poly_var in the display() method pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # Reset mode and poly_var upon exiting the context self.cls._display_mode = self.mode self.cls._display_poly_var = self.poly_var