Source code for galois.poly

import numpy as np

from .array import GFArray
from .gf2 import GF2
from .poly_conversion import integer_to_poly, sparse_poly_to_integer, sparse_poly_to_str

[docs]class Poly: """ Create a polynomial :math:`p(x)` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. The polynomial :math:`p(x) = a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0` has coefficients :math:`\\{a_{d}, a_{d-1}, \\dots, a_1, a_0\\}` in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. Parameters ---------- coeffs : array_like List of polynomial coefficients :math:`\\{a_{d}, a_{d-1}, \\dots, a_1, a_0\\}` with type :obj:`galois.GFArray`, :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`list`, or :obj:`tuple`. The first element is the highest-degree element if `order="desc"` or the first element is the 0-th degree element if `order="asc"`. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is `None` which represents :obj:`galois.GF2`. If `coeffs` is a Galois field array, then that field is used and the `field` argument is ignored. order : str, optional The interpretation of the coefficient degrees, either `"desc"` (default) or `"asc"`. For `"desc"`, the first element of `coeffs` is the highest degree coefficient :math:`x^{d}`) and the last element is the 0-th degree element :math:`x^0`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Create a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly([1,0,1,1]) galois.Poly.Degrees([3,1,0]) Create a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly([124,0,223,0,0,15], field=GF) # Alternate way of constructing the same polynomial galois.Poly.Degrees([5,3,0], coeffs=[124,223,15], field=GF) Polynomial arithmetic using binary operators. .. ipython:: python a = galois.Poly([117,0,63,37], field=GF); a b = galois.Poly([224,0,21], field=GF); b a + b a - b # Compute the quotient of the polynomial division a / b # True division and floor division are equivalent a / b == a // b # Compute the remainder of the polynomial division a % b # Compute both the quotient and remainder in one pass divmod(a, b) :special-members: __call__ """ __slots__ = ["_degrees", "_coeffs"] def __new__(cls, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): if not isinstance(coeffs, int) and len(coeffs) > 1000 and np.count_nonzero(coeffs) < 0.001*len(coeffs): return SparsePoly.Coeffs(coeffs, field=field, order=order) else: return DensePoly(coeffs, field=field, order=order) ############################################################################### # Alternate constructors ###############################################################################
[docs] @classmethod def Zero(cls, field=GF2): """ Constructs the zero polynomial :math:`p(x) = 0` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. Parameters ---------- field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct the zero polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.Zero() Construct the zero polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.Zero(field=GF) """ return DensePoly.Zero(field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def One(cls, field=GF2): """ Constructs the one polynomial :math:`p(x) = 1` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. Parameters ---------- field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct the one polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.One() Construct the one polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.One(field=GF) """ return DensePoly.One(field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Identity(cls, field=GF2): """ Constructs the identity polynomial :math:`p(x) = x` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. Parameters ---------- field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct the identity polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.Identity() Construct the identity polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.Identity(field=GF) """ return DensePoly.Identity(field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Random(cls, degree, field=GF2): """ Constructs a random polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` with degree :math:`d`. Parameters ---------- degree : int The degree of the polynomial. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct a random degree-:math:`5` polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.Random(5) Construct a random degree-:math:`5` polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.Random(5, field=GF) """ return DensePoly.Random(degree, field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Integer(cls, integer, field=GF2): """ Constructs a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` from its integer representation. The integer value :math:`i` represents the polynomial :math:`p(x) = a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0` over field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` if :math:`i = a_{d}q^{d} + a_{d-1}q^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1q + a_0` using integer arithmetic, not finite field arithmetic. Parameters ---------- integer : int The integer representation of the polynomial :math:`p(x)`. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)` from its integer representation. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.Integer(5) Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)` from its integer representation. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.Integer(13*256**3 + 117, field=GF) """ return DensePoly.Integer(integer, field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Degrees(cls, degrees, coeffs=None, field=None): """ Constructs a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` from its non-zero degrees. Parameters ---------- degrees : list List of polynomial degrees with non-zero coefficients. coeffs : array_like, optional List of corresponding non-zero coefficients. The default is `None` which corresponds to all one coefficients, i.e. `[1,]*len(degrees)`. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is`None` which represents :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)` by specifying the degrees with non-zero coefficients. .. ipython:: python galois.Poly.Degrees([3,1,0]) Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)` by specifying the degrees with non-zero coefficients. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) galois.Poly.Degrees([3,1,0], coeffs=[251,73,185], field=GF) """ degree = max(degrees) if len(degrees) < 0.001*degree: return SparsePoly.Degrees(degrees, coeffs=coeffs, field=field) else: return DensePoly.Degrees(degrees, coeffs=coeffs, field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Coeffs(cls, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): """ Constructs a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` from its coefficients. Alias of :obj:`galois.Poly` constructor. Parameters ---------- coeffs : array_like List of polynomial coefficients :math:`\\{a_{d}, a_{d-1}, \\dots, a_1, a_0\\}` with type :obj:`galois.GFArray`, :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`list`, or :obj:`tuple`. The first element is the highest-degree element if `order="desc"` or the first element is the 0-th degree element if `order="asc"`. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is `None` which represents :obj:`galois.GF2`. If `coeffs` is a Galois field array, then that field is used and the `field` argument is ignored. order : str, optional The interpretation of the coefficient degrees, either `"desc"` (default) or `"asc"`. For `"desc"`, the first element of `coeffs` is the highest degree coefficient :math:`x^{d}`) and the last element is the 0-th degree element :math:`x^0`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. """ return DensePoly.Coeffs(coeffs, field=field, order=order)
[docs] @classmethod def Roots(cls, roots, multiplicities=None, field=None): """ Constructs a monic polynomial in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)[x]` from its roots. The polynomial :math:`p(x)` with :math:`d` roots :math:`\\{r_0, r_1, \\dots, r_{d-1}\\}` is: .. math:: p(x) &= (x - r_0) (x - r_1) \\dots (x - r_{d-1}) p(x) &= a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0 Parameters ---------- roots : array_like List of roots in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` of the desired polynomial. multiplicities : array_like, optional List of multiplicity of each root. The default is `None` which corresponds to all ones. field : galois.GFArray, optional The field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` the polynomial is over. The default is`None` which represents :obj:`galois.GF2`. Returns ------- galois.Poly The polynomial :math:`p(x)`. Examples -------- Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)` from a list of its roots. .. ipython:: python roots = [0, 0, 1] p = galois.Poly.Roots(roots); p p(roots) Construct a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)` from a list of its roots. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) roots = [121, 198, 225] p = galois.Poly.Roots(roots, field=GF); p p(roots) """ return DensePoly.Roots(roots, multiplicities=multiplicities, field=field)
############################################################################### # Methods ############################################################################### def copy(self): if isinstance(self, DensePoly): return DensePoly(self.coeffs) elif isinstance(self, SparsePoly): return SparsePoly(self.nonzero_degrees, self.nonzero_coeffs) else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def roots(self, multiplicity=False): """ Calculates the roots :math:`r` of the polynomial :math:`p(x)`, such that :math:`p(r) = 0`. This implementation uses Chien's search to find the roots :math:`\\{r_0, r_1, \\dots, r_{k-1}\\}` of the degree-:math:`d` polynomial .. math:: p(x) = a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0, where :math:`k \\le d`. Then, :math:`p(x)` can be factored as .. math:: p(x) = (x - r_0)^{m_0} (x - r_1)^{m_1} \\dots (x - r_{k-1})^{m_{k-1}}, where :math:`m_i` is the multiplicity of root :math:`r_i` and .. math:: \\sum_{i=0}^{k-1} m_i = d. The Galois field elements can be represented as :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q) = \\{0, 1, \\alpha, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{q-2}\\}`, where :math:`\\alpha` is a primitive element of :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`. :math:`0` is a root of :math:`p(x)` if: .. math:: a_0 = 0 :math:`1` is a root of :math:`p(x)` if: .. math:: \\sum_{j=0}^{d} a_j = 0 The remaining elements of :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)` are powers of :math:`\\alpha`. The following equations calculate :math:`p(\\alpha^i)`, where :math:`\\alpha^i` is a root of :math:`p(x)` if :math:`p(\\alpha^i) = 0`. .. math:: p(\\alpha^i) &= a_{d}(\\alpha^i)^{d} + a_{d-1}(\\alpha^i)^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1(\\alpha^i) + a_0 p(\\alpha^i) &\\overset{\\Delta}{=} \\lambda_{i,d} + \\lambda_{i,d-1} + \\dots + \\lambda_{i,1} + \\lambda_{i,0} p(\\alpha^i) &= \\sum_{j=0}^{d} \\lambda_{i,j} The next power of :math:`\\alpha` can be easily calculated from the previous calculation. .. math:: p(\\alpha^{i+1}) &= a_{d}(\\alpha^{i+1})^{d} + a_{d-1}(\\alpha^{i+1})^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1(\\alpha^{i+1}) + a_0 p(\\alpha^{i+1}) &= a_{d}(\\alpha^i)^{d}\\alpha^d + a_{d-1}(\\alpha^i)^{d-1}\\alpha^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1(\\alpha^i)\\alpha + a_0 p(\\alpha^{i+1}) &= \\lambda_{i,d}\\alpha^d + \\lambda_{i,d-1}\\alpha^{d-1} + \\dots + \\lambda_{i,1}\\alpha + \\lambda_{i,0} p(\\alpha^{i+1}) &= \\sum_{j=0}^{d} \\lambda_{i,j}\\alpha^j Parameters ---------- multiplicity : bool, optional Optionally return the multiplicity of each root. The default is `False`, which only returns the unique roots. Returns ------- galois.GFArray Galois field array of roots of :math:`p(x)`. np.ndarray The multiplicity of each root. Only returned if `multiplicity=True`. References ---------- * Examples -------- Find the roots of a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python p = galois.Poly.Roots([0,]*7 + [1,]*13); p p.roots() p.roots(multiplicity=True) Find the roots of a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) p = galois.Poly.Roots([18,]*7 + [155,]*13 + [227,]*9, field=GF); p p.roots() p.roots(multiplicity=True) """ lambda_vector = self.nonzero_coeffs alpha_vector = self.field.primitive_element ** self.nonzero_degrees roots = [] multiplicities = [] # Test if 0 is a root if 0 not in self.nonzero_degrees: root = 0 roots.append(root) multiplicities.append(self._root_multiplicity(root) if multiplicity else 1) # Test if 1 is a root if np.sum(lambda_vector) == 0: root = 1 roots.append(root) multiplicities.append(self._root_multiplicity(root) if multiplicity else 1) # Test if the powers of alpha are roots for i in range(1, self.field.order - 1): lambda_vector *= alpha_vector if np.sum(lambda_vector) == 0: root = int(self.field.primitive_element**i) roots.append(root) multiplicities.append(self._root_multiplicity(root) if multiplicity else 1) if sum(multiplicities) == # We can exit early once we have `d` roots for a degree-d polynomial break idxs = np.argsort(roots) if not multiplicity: return self.field(roots)[idxs] else: return self.field(roots)[idxs], np.array(multiplicities)[idxs]
def _root_multiplicity(self, root): zero = Poly.Zero(self.field) poly = self.copy() multiplicity = 1 while True: # If the root is also a root of the derivative, then its a multiple root. poly = poly.derivative() if poly == zero: # Cannot test whether p'(root) = 0 because p'(x) = 0. We've exhausted the non-zero derivatives. For # any Galois field, taking `characteristic` derivatives results in p'(x) = 0. For a root with multiplicity # greater than the field's characteristic, we need factor the polynomial. Here we factor out (x - root)^m, # where m is the current multiplicity. poly = self.copy() // (Poly([1, -root], field=self.field)**multiplicity) if poly(root) == 0: multiplicity += 1 else: break return multiplicity
[docs] def derivative(self, k=1): """ Computes the :math:`k`-th formal derivative :math:`\\frac{d^k}{dx^k} p(x)` of the polynomial :math:`p(x)`. For the polynomial .. math:: p(x) = a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0 the first formal derivative is defined as .. math:: p'(x) = (d) \\cdot a_{d} x^{d-1} + (d-1) \\cdot a_{d-1} x^{d-2} + \\dots + (2) \\cdot a_{2} x + a_1 where :math:`\\cdot` represents scalar multiplication (repeated addition), not finite field multiplication, e.g. :math:`3 \\cdot a = a + a + a`. Parameters ---------- k : int, optional The number of derivatives to compute. 1 corresponds to :math:`p'(x)`, 2 corresponds to :math:`p''(x)`, etc. The default is 1. Returns ------- galois.Poly The :math:`k`-th formal derivative of the polynomial :math:`p(x)`. References ---------- * Examples -------- Compute the derivatives of a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2)`. .. ipython:: python p = galois.Poly.Random(7); p p.derivative() # k derivatives of a polynomial where k is the Galois field's characteristic will always result in 0 p.derivative(2) Compute the derivatives of a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(7)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly.Random(11, field=GF); p p.derivative() p.derivative(2) p.derivative(3) # k derivatives of a polynomial where k is the Galois field's characteristic will always result in 0 p.derivative(7) Compute the derivatives of a polynomial over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^8)`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) p = galois.Poly.Random(7, field=GF); p p.derivative() # k derivatives of a polynomial where k is the Galois field's characteristic will always result in 0 p.derivative(2) """ if not isinstance(k, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `k` must be an integer, not {type(k)}.") if not k > 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `k` must be a positive integer, not {k}.") if 0 in self.nonzero_degrees: # Cut off the 0th degree degrees = self.nonzero_degrees[:-1] - 1 coeffs = self.nonzero_coeffs[:-1] * self.nonzero_degrees[:-1] else: degrees = self.nonzero_degrees - 1 coeffs = self.nonzero_coeffs * self.nonzero_degrees cls = self.__class__ p_prime = cls.Degrees(degrees, coeffs) k -= 1 if k > 0: return p_prime.derivative(k) else: return p_prime
def __repr__(self): poly_str = sparse_poly_to_str(self.nonzero_degrees, self.nonzero_coeffs) return f"Poly({poly_str}, {})" ############################################################################### # Overridden dunder methods ############################################################################### def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __hash__(self): t = tuple([self.field.order,] + self.nonzero_degrees.tolist() + self.nonzero_coeffs.tolist()) return hash(t) @classmethod def _check_inputs_are_polys(cls, a, b): if not isinstance(a, Poly): raise TypeError(f"Both operands must be a galois.Poly, not {type(a)}.") if not isinstance(b, Poly): raise TypeError(f"Both operands must be a galois.Poly, not {type(b)}.") if not a.field is b.field: raise TypeError(f"Both polynomial operands must be over the same field, not {str(a.field)} and {str(b.field)}.") # If only one input is sparse, convert the other to sparse if isinstance(a, SparsePoly) and not isinstance(b, SparsePoly): b = SparsePoly.Coeffs(b.coeffs) if isinstance(b, SparsePoly) and not isinstance(a, SparsePoly): a = SparsePoly.Coeffs(a.coeffs) return a, b def __add__(self, other): a, b = self._check_inputs_are_polys(self, other) if isinstance(a, DensePoly): return DensePoly._add(a, b) else: return SparsePoly._add(a, b) def __sub__(self, other): a, b = self._check_inputs_are_polys(self, other) if isinstance(a, DensePoly): return DensePoly._sub(a, b) else: return SparsePoly._sub(a, b) def __mul__(self, other): a, b = self._check_inputs_are_polys(self, other) if isinstance(a, DensePoly): return DensePoly._mul(a, b) else: return SparsePoly._mul(a, b) def __divmod__(self, other): a, b = self._check_inputs_are_polys(self, other) if isinstance(a, DensePoly): return DensePoly._divmod(a, b) else: return SparsePoly._divmod(a, b) def __truediv__(self, other): return self.__divmod__(other)[0] def __floordiv__(self, other): return self.__divmod__(other)[0] def __mod__(self, other): a, b = self._check_inputs_are_polys(self, other) if isinstance(a, DensePoly): return DensePoly._mod(a, b) else: return SparsePoly._mod(a, b) def __pow__(self, other): if not isinstance(self, Poly): raise TypeError(f"For polynomial exponentiation, argument 0 must be of type galois.Poly. Argument 0 is of type {type(self)}. Argument 0 = {self}.") if not isinstance(other, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"For polynomial exponentiation, argument 1 must be of type int. Argument 1 is of type {type(other)}. Argument 1 = {other}.") if not other >= 0: raise ValueError(f"Can only exponentiate polynomials to non-negative integers, not {other}.") field, a, power = self.field, self, other # c(x) = a(x) ** power if power == 0: return Poly.One(field) c_square = a # The "squaring" part c_mult = Poly.One(field) # The "multiplicative" part while power > 1: if power % 2 == 0: c_square *= c_square power //= 2 else: c_mult *= c_square power -= 1 c = c_mult * c_square return c def __neg__(self): self._coeffs = -self._coeffs return self def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Poly) and self.field is other.field and np.array_equal(self.nonzero_degrees, other.nonzero_degrees) and np.array_equal(self.nonzero_coeffs, other.nonzero_coeffs) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @classmethod def _add(cls, a, b): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _sub(cls, a, b): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _mul(cls, a, b): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _divmod(cls, a, b): raise NotImplementedError @classmethod def _mod(cls, a, b): raise NotImplementedError ############################################################################### # Instance properties ############################################################################### @property def field(self): """ type: The Galois field to which the coefficients belong. The :obj:`galois.Poly.field` property is a subclass of :obj:`galois.GFArray`. This property is settable. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) # The primitive polynomial of the field GF(p^m) is degree-m over GF(p)[x] prim_poly = GF.irreducible_poly; prim_poly prim_poly.field # Convert the primitive polynomial from GF(p)[x] to GF(p^m)[x] prim_poly.field = GF; prim_poly # The primitive element alpha is a root of the primitive polynomial in GF(p^m) prim_poly(GF.primitive_element) """ return type(self._coeffs) @field.setter def field(self, field): if not issubclass(field, GFArray): raise TypeError(f"Property `field` must be a subclass of galois.GFArray, not {field}.") self._coeffs = field(self._coeffs) @property def degree(self): """ int: The degree of the polynomial, i.e. the highest degree with non-zero coefficient. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) """ # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(self, DensePoly): return self._coeffs.size - 1 elif isinstance(self, SparsePoly): return 0 if self._degrees.size == 0 else int(np.max(self._degrees)) else: raise NotImplementedError @property def nonzero_degrees(self): """ numpy.ndarray: An array of the polynomial degrees that have non-zero coefficients, in degree-descending order. The entries of :obj:`galois.Poly.nonzero_degrees` are paired with :obj:`galois.Poly.nonzero_coeffs`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) p.nonzero_degrees """ # pylint: disable=no-member if isinstance(self, DensePoly): return - np.nonzero(self._coeffs)[0] elif isinstance(self, SparsePoly): return self._degrees else: raise NotImplementedError @property def nonzero_coeffs(self): """ galois.GFArray: The non-zero coefficients of the polynomial in degree-descending order. The entries of :obj:`galois.Poly.nonzero_degrees` are paired with :obj:`galois.Poly.nonzero_coeffs`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) p.nonzero_coeffs """ if isinstance(self, DensePoly): return self._coeffs[np.nonzero(self._coeffs)[0]] elif isinstance(self, SparsePoly): return self._coeffs else: raise NotImplementedError @property def degrees(self): """ numpy.ndarray: An array of the polynomial degrees in degree-descending order. The entries of :obj:`galois.Poly.degrees` are paired with :obj:`galois.Poly.coeffs`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) p.degrees """ return np.arange(, -1, -1) @property def coeffs(self): """ galois.GFArray: The coefficients of the polynomial in degree-descending order. The entries of :obj:`galois.Poly.degrees` are paired with :obj:`galois.Poly.coeffs`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) p.coeffs """ if isinstance(self, DensePoly): return self._coeffs elif isinstance(self, SparsePoly): # Assemble a full list of coefficients, including zeros coeffs = self.field.Zeros( + 1) if self.nonzero_degrees.size > 0: coeffs[ - self.nonzero_degrees] = self.nonzero_coeffs return coeffs else: raise NotImplementedError @property def integer(self): """ int: The integer representation of the polynomial. For polynomial :math:`p(x) = a_{d}x^{d} + a_{d-1}x^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0` with elements in :math:`a_k \\in \\mathrm{GF}(q)`, the integer representation is :math:`i = a_{d} q^{d} + a_{d-1} q^{d-1} + \\dots + a_1 q + a_0` (using integer arithmetic, not finite field arithmetic). Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(7) p = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5, 2], field=GF) p.integer p.integer == 3*7**3 + 5*7**1 + 2*7**0 """ return sparse_poly_to_integer(self.nonzero_degrees, self.nonzero_coeffs, self.field.order)
class DensePoly(Poly): """ Galois field polynomial implementation using dense polynomials. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return object.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): if not (field is None or issubclass(field, GFArray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `field` must be a Galois field array class, not {field}.") if not isinstance(coeffs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray, GFArray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `coeffs` must 'array-like', not {type(coeffs)}.") if not len(coeffs) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `coeffs` must have non-zero length, not {len(coeffs)}.") if not order in ["desc", "asc"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `order` must be either 'desc' or 'asc', not {order}.") if isinstance(coeffs, GFArray) and field is None: pass else: field = GF2 if field is None else field if isinstance(coeffs, np.ndarray): # Ensure coeffs is an iterable coeffs = coeffs.tolist() coeffs = field([-field(abs(c)) if c < 0 else field(c) for c in coeffs]) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type if order == "desc": self._coeffs = coeffs else: self._coeffs = coeffs[::-1] # Remove leading zero coefficients idxs = np.nonzero(self._coeffs)[0] if idxs.size > 0: self._coeffs = self._coeffs[idxs[0]:] else: self._coeffs = self._coeffs[-1] # Ensure the coefficient array isn't 0-dimension self._coeffs = np.atleast_1d(self._coeffs) ############################################################################### # Alternate constructors ############################################################################### @classmethod def Zero(cls, field=GF2): return DensePoly([0], field=field) @classmethod def One(cls, field=GF2): return DensePoly([1], field=field) @classmethod def Identity(cls, field=GF2): return DensePoly([1, 0], field=field) @classmethod def Random(cls, degree, field=GF2): if not isinstance(degree, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `degree` must be an integer, not {type(degree)}.") if not degree >= 0: raise TypeError(f"Argument `degree` must be at least 0, not {degree}.") coeffs = field.Random(degree + 1) coeffs[0] = field.Random(low=1) # Ensure leading coefficient is non-zero return DensePoly(coeffs, field=field) @classmethod def Integer(cls, integer, field=GF2): if not isinstance(integer, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Polynomial creation must have `integer` be an integer, not {type(integer)}") c = integer_to_poly(integer, field.order) return DensePoly(c, field=field) @classmethod def Degrees(cls, degrees, coeffs=None, field=None): coeffs = [1,]*len(degrees) if coeffs is None else coeffs if not isinstance(degrees, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `degrees` must 'array-like', not {type(degrees)}.") if not isinstance(coeffs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `coeffs` must 'array-like', not {type(coeffs)}.") if not len(degrees) == len(coeffs): raise ValueError(f"Arguments `degrees` and `coeffs` must have the same length, not {len(degrees)} and {len(coeffs)}.") if not all(degree >= 0 for degree in degrees): raise ValueError(f"Argument `degrees` must have non-negative values, not {degrees}.") if len(degrees) == 0: # The zero polynomial p(x) = 0 degrees = [0] coeffs = [0] degree = np.max(degrees) # The degree of the polynomial if isinstance(coeffs, GFArray): # Preserve coefficient field if a Galois field array was specified all_coeffs = type(coeffs).Zeros(degree + 1) all_coeffs[degree - degrees] = coeffs else: all_coeffs = [0]*(degree + 1) for d, c in zip(degrees, coeffs): all_coeffs[degree - d] = c return DensePoly(all_coeffs, field=field) @classmethod def Coeffs(cls, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): # Alias of Coeffs() return DensePoly(coeffs, field=field, order=order) @classmethod def Roots(cls, roots, multiplicities=None, field=None): if not (field is None or issubclass(field, GFArray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `field` must be a Galois field array class, not {field}.") if not isinstance(roots, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `roots` must 'array-like', not {type(roots)}.") if not isinstance(multiplicities, (type(None), list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `multiplicities` must 'array-like', not {type(multiplicities)}.") field = GF2 if field is None else field multiplicities = [1,]*len(roots) if multiplicities is None else multiplicities roots = field(roots).flatten().tolist() p = DensePoly.One(field=field) for root, multiplicity in zip(roots, multiplicities): p *= DensePoly([1, -int(root)], field=field)**multiplicity return p ############################################################################### # Arithmetic methods ############################################################################### def __call__(self, x, field=None): """ Evaluate the polynomial. Parameters ---------- x : galois.GFArray An array (or 0-dim array) of field element to evaluate the polynomial over. field : galois.GFMeta, optional The Galois field to evaluate the polynomial over. The default is `None` which represents the polynomial's current field, i.e. :obj:`field`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray The result of the polynomial evaluation of the same shape as `x`. """ if field is None: return self.field._poly_eval(self.coeffs, x) else: assert issubclass(field, GFArray) return field._poly_eval(self.coeffs, x) @classmethod def _check_inputs_are_dense_polys(cls, a, b): if not isinstance(a, DensePoly): raise TypeError(f"Both arguments must be of type galois.DensePoly, not {type(a)} and {a}.") if not isinstance(b, DensePoly): raise TypeError(f"Both arguments must be of type galois.DensePoly, not {type(b)} and {b}.") if not a.field is b.field: raise TypeError(f"Both polynomials must be over the same field, not {str(a.field)} and {str(b.field)}.") @classmethod def _add(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_dense_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) + b(x) c_coeffs = field.Zeros(max(a.coeffs.size, b.coeffs.size)) c_coeffs[-a.coeffs.size:] = a.coeffs c_coeffs[-b.coeffs.size:] += b.coeffs return DensePoly(c_coeffs) @classmethod def _sub(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_dense_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) + b(x) c_coeffs = field.Zeros(max(a.coeffs.size, b.coeffs.size)) c_coeffs[-a.coeffs.size:] = a.coeffs c_coeffs[-b.coeffs.size:] -= b.coeffs return DensePoly(c_coeffs) @classmethod def _mul(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_dense_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) * b(x) a_degree = a.coeffs.size - 1 b_degree = b.coeffs.size - 1 c_coeffs = field.Zeros(a_degree + b_degree + 1) for i in np.nonzero(b.coeffs)[0]: c_coeffs[i:i + a.coeffs.size] += a.coeffs*b.coeffs[i] return DensePoly(c_coeffs) @classmethod def _divmod(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_dense_polys(a, b) field = a.field zero = DensePoly.Zero(field) # q(x)*b(x) + r(x) = a(x) if == 0: return DensePoly(a.coeffs // b.coeffs), zero elif a == zero: return zero, zero elif < return zero, a.copy() else: q_degree = - r_degree = # One degree larger than final remainder q_coeffs = field.Zeros(q_degree + 1) r_coeffs = field.Zeros(r_degree + 1) # Preset remainder so we can rotate at the start of loop r_coeffs[1:] = a.coeffs[] for i in range(0, q_degree + 1): r_coeffs = np.roll(r_coeffs, -1) r_coeffs[-1] = a.coeffs[i +] if r_coeffs[0] > 0: q_coeffs[i] = r_coeffs[0] // b.coeffs[0] r_coeffs -= q_coeffs[i]*b.coeffs return DensePoly(q_coeffs), DensePoly(r_coeffs[1:]) @classmethod def _mod(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_dense_polys(a, b) field = a.field zero = DensePoly.Zero(field) # q(x)*b(x) + r(x) = a(x) if == 0: return zero elif a == zero: return zero elif < return a.copy() else: q_degree = - r_degree = # One degree larger than final remainder r_coeffs = field.Zeros(r_degree + 1) # Preset remainder so we can rotate at the start of loop r_coeffs[1:] = a.coeffs[] for i in range(0, q_degree + 1): r_coeffs = np.roll(r_coeffs, -1) r_coeffs[-1] = a.coeffs[i +] if r_coeffs[0] > 0: q = r_coeffs[0] // b.coeffs[0] r_coeffs -= q*b.coeffs return DensePoly(r_coeffs[1:]) class SparsePoly(Poly): """ Galois field polynomial implementation using dense polynomials. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return object.__new__(cls) def __init__(self, degrees, coeffs=None, field=None): coeffs = [1,]*len(degrees) if coeffs is None else coeffs if not isinstance(degrees, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `degrees` must 'array-like', not {type(degrees)}.") if not isinstance(coeffs, (list, tuple, np.ndarray)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `coeffs` must 'array-like', not {type(coeffs)}.") if not len(degrees) == len(coeffs): raise ValueError(f"Arguments `degrees` and `coeffs` must have the same length, not {len(degrees)} and {len(coeffs)}.") if not all(degree >= 0 for degree in degrees): raise ValueError(f"Argument `degrees` must have non-negative values, not {degrees}.") if isinstance(coeffs, GFArray) and field is None: self._degrees = np.array(degrees) self._coeffs = coeffs else: field = GF2 if field is None else field if isinstance(coeffs, np.ndarray): # Ensure coeffs is an iterable coeffs = coeffs.tolist() self._degrees = np.array(degrees) self._coeffs = field([-field(abs(c)) if c < 0 else field(c) for c in coeffs]) # pylint: disable=invalid-unary-operand-type # Sort the degrees and coefficients in descending order idxs = np.argsort(degrees)[::-1] self._degrees = self._degrees[idxs] self._coeffs = self._coeffs[idxs] # Remove zero coefficients idxs = np.nonzero(self._coeffs)[0] self._degrees = self._degrees[idxs] self._coeffs = self._coeffs[idxs] ############################################################################### # Alternate constructors ############################################################################### @classmethod def Zero(cls, field=GF2): return SparsePoly.Coeffs([0], field=field) @classmethod def One(cls, field=GF2): return SparsePoly.Coeffs([1], field=field) @classmethod def Identity(cls, field=GF2): return SparsePoly.Coeffs([1, 0], field=field) @classmethod def Random(cls, degree, field=GF2): coeffs = DensePoly.Random(degree, field=field).coeffs return SparsePoly.Coeffs(coeffs) @classmethod def Integer(cls, integer, field=GF2): coeffs = DensePoly.Integer(integer, field=field).coeffs return SparsePoly.Coeffs(coeffs) @classmethod def Degrees(cls, degrees, coeffs=None, field=None): # Alias of SparsePoly() return SparsePoly(degrees, coeffs=coeffs, field=field) @classmethod def Coeffs(cls, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): coeffs = DensePoly(coeffs, field=field, order=order).coeffs degrees = np.arange(coeffs.size - 1, -1, -1) return SparsePoly(degrees, coeffs, field=field) @classmethod def Roots(cls, roots, multiplicities=None, field=None): coeffs = DensePoly.Roots(roots, multiplicities=multiplicities, field=field).coeffs return SparsePoly.Coeffs(coeffs) ############################################################################### # Arithmetic methods ############################################################################### @classmethod def _check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(cls, a, b): if not isinstance(a, SparsePoly): raise TypeError(f"Both arguments must be of type galois.SparsePoly, not {type(a)} and {a}.") if not isinstance(b, SparsePoly): raise TypeError(f"Both arguments must be of type galois.SparsePoly, not {type(b)} and {b}.") if not a.field is b.field: raise TypeError(f"Both polynomials must be over the same field, not {str(a.field)} and {str(b.field)}.") @classmethod def _return_poly(cls, d, field): degree = 0 if len(d.keys()) == 0 else max(d.keys()) nonzero_degrees = list(d.keys()) nonzero_coeffs = list(d.values()) if len(nonzero_degrees) < 0.001*(degree + 1): return SparsePoly(nonzero_degrees, nonzero_coeffs, field=field) else: return DensePoly.Degrees(nonzero_degrees, nonzero_coeffs, field=field) @classmethod def _add(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) + b(x) d = {} for a_degree, a_coeff in zip(a.nonzero_degrees, a.nonzero_coeffs): d[a_degree] = a_coeff for b_degree, b_coeff in zip(b.nonzero_degrees, b.nonzero_coeffs): d[b_degree] = d.get(b_degree, field(0)) + b_coeff return cls._return_poly(d, field) @classmethod def _sub(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) - b(x) d = {} for a_degree, a_coeff in zip(a.nonzero_degrees, a.nonzero_coeffs): d[a_degree] = a_coeff for b_degree, b_coeff in zip(b.nonzero_degrees, b.nonzero_coeffs): d[b_degree] = d.get(b_degree, field(0)) - b_coeff return cls._return_poly(d, field) @classmethod def _mul(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(a, b) field = a.field # c(x) = a(x) * b(x) d = {} for a_degree, a_coeff in zip(a.nonzero_degrees, a.nonzero_coeffs): for b_degree, b_coeff in zip(b.nonzero_degrees, b.nonzero_coeffs): d[a_degree + b_degree] = d.get(a_degree + b_degree, field(0)) + a_coeff*b_coeff return cls._return_poly(d, field) @classmethod def _divmod(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(a, b) field = a.field zero = DensePoly.Zero(field) # q(x)*b(x) + r(x) = a(x) if == 0: q_degrees = a.nonzero_degrees q_coeffs = [a_coeff // b.coeffs[0] for a_coeff in a.nonzero_coeffs] qq = dict(zip(q_degrees, q_coeffs)) return cls._return_poly(qq, field), zero elif a == zero: return zero, zero elif < return zero, a.copy() else: aa = dict(zip(a.nonzero_degrees, a.nonzero_coeffs)) b_coeffs = b.coeffs q_degree = - r_degree = # One larger than final remainder qq = {} r_coeffs = field.Zeros(r_degree + 1) # Preset remainder so we can rotate at the start of loop for i in range(0, r_coeffs[1 + i] = aa.get( - i, 0) for i in range(0, q_degree + 1): r_coeffs = np.roll(r_coeffs, -1) r_coeffs[-1] = aa.get( - (i +, 0) if r_coeffs[0] > 0: q = r_coeffs[0] // b_coeffs[0] r_coeffs -= q*b_coeffs qq[q_degree - i] = q return cls._return_poly(qq, field), DensePoly(r_coeffs[1:]) @classmethod def _mod(cls, a, b): cls._check_inputs_are_sparse_polys(a, b) field = a.field zero = DensePoly.Zero(field) # q(x)*b(x) + r(x) = a(x) if == 0: return zero elif a == zero: return zero elif < return a.copy() else: aa = dict(zip(a.nonzero_degrees, a.nonzero_coeffs)) b_coeffs = b.coeffs q_degree = - r_degree = # One larger than final remainder r_coeffs = field.Zeros(r_degree + 1) # Preset remainder so we can rotate at the start of loop for i in range(0, r_coeffs[1 + i] = aa.get( - i, 0) for i in range(0, q_degree + 1): r_coeffs = np.roll(r_coeffs, -1) r_coeffs[-1] = aa.get( - (i +, 0) if r_coeffs[0] > 0: q = r_coeffs[0] // b_coeffs[0] r_coeffs -= q*b_coeffs return DensePoly(r_coeffs[1:])