Source code for galois.array

import random

import numpy as np

from .meta_gf import GFMeta
from .linalg import dot, inner, outer, matrix_rank, solve, inv, det, row_reduce, lu_decompose, lup_decompose
from .overrides import set_module
from .poly_conversion import integer_to_poly, poly_to_str, str_to_integer

__all__ = ["GFArray"]

    np.packbits, np.unpackbits,
    np.around, np.round_, np.fix,
    np.gradient, np.trapz,
    np.i0, np.sinc,
    np.angle, np.real, np.imag, np.conj, np.conjugate,



    np.inner: inner,
    np.outer: outer,
    # np.tensordot: "tensordot",
    np.linalg.matrix_rank: matrix_rank,
    np.linalg.inv: inv,
    np.linalg.det: det,
    np.linalg.solve: solve

    np.copy, np.concatenate,

    np.invert, np.sqrt,
    np.log2, np.log10,
    np.exp, np.expm1, np.exp2,
    np.sin, np.cos, np.tan,
    np.sinh, np.cosh, np.tanh,
    np.arcsin, np.arccos, np.arctan,
    np.arcsinh, np.arccosh, np.arctanh,
    np.degrees, np.radians,
    np.deg2rad, np.rad2deg,
    np.floor, np.ceil, np.trunc, np.rint,

    np.hypot, np.arctan2,
    np.logaddexp, np.logaddexp2,
    np.fmod, np.modf,
    np.fmin, np.fmax,


    np.add: "_ufunc_add",
    np.subtract: "_ufunc_subtract",
    np.multiply: "_ufunc_multiply",
    np.floor_divide: "_ufunc_divide",
    np.true_divide: "_ufunc_divide",
    np.negative: "_ufunc_negative",
    np.reciprocal: "_ufunc_reciprocal",
    np.power: "_ufunc_power",
    np.square: "_ufunc_square",
    np.log: "_ufunc_log",
    np.matmul: "_ufunc_matmul",

    np.bitwise_and, np.bitwise_or, np.bitwise_xor,
    np.left_shift, np.right_shift,

class GFArray(np.ndarray, metaclass=GFMeta):
    Create an array over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`.

    The :obj:`galois.GFArray` class is a parent class for all Galois field array classes. Any Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`
    with prime characteristic :math:`p` and positive integer :math:`m`, can be constructed by calling the class factory

        This is an abstract base class for all Galois field array classes. :obj:`galois.GFArray` cannot be instantiated
        directly. Instead, Galois field array classes are created using :obj:`galois.GF`.

        For example, one can create the :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(7)` field array class as follows:

        .. ipython:: python

            GF7 = galois.GF(7)

        This subclass can then be used to instantiate arrays over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(7)`.

        .. ipython:: python


    :obj:`galois.GFArray` is a subclass of :obj:`numpy.ndarray`. The :obj:`galois.GFArray` constructor has the same syntax as
    :func:`numpy.array`. The returned :obj:`galois.GFArray` object is an array that can be acted upon like any other
    numpy array.

    array : array_like
        The input array to be converted to a Galois field array. The input array is copied, so the original array
        is unmodified by changes to the Galois field array. Valid input array types are :obj:`numpy.ndarray`,
        :obj:`list` or :obj:`tuple` of int or str, :obj:`int`, or :obj:`str`.
    dtype : numpy.dtype, optional
        The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid
        dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`.
    copy : bool, optional
        The `copy` keyword argument from :func:`numpy.array`. The default is `True` which makes a copy of the input
        object is it's an array.
    order : {`"K"`, `"A"`, `"C"`, `"F"`}, optional
        The `order` keyword argument from :func:`numpy.array`. Valid values are `"K"` (default), `"A"`, `"C"`, or `"F"`.
    ndmin : int, optional
        The `ndmin` keyword argument from :func:`numpy.array`. The minimum number of dimensions of the output.
        The default is 0.

        The copied input array as a :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)` field array.

    Construct various kinds of Galois fields using :obj:`galois.GF`.

    .. ipython:: python

        # Construct a GF(2^m) class
        GF256 = galois.GF(2**8); print(GF256)

        # Construct a GF(p) class
        GF571 = galois.GF(571); print(GF571)

        # Construct a very large GF(2^m) class
        GF2m = galois.GF(2**100); print(GF2m)

        # Construct a very large GF(p) class
        GFp = galois.GF(36893488147419103183); print(GFp)

    Depending on the field's order (size), only certain `dtype` values will be supported.

    .. ipython:: python


    Very large fields, which can't be represented using `np.int64`, can only be represented as `dtype=np.object_`.

    .. ipython:: python


    Newly-created arrays will use the smallest, valid dtype.

    .. ipython:: python

        a = GF256.Random(10); a

    This can be explicitly set by specifying the `dtype` keyword argument.

    .. ipython:: python

        a = GF256.Random(10, dtype=np.uint32); a

    Arrays can also be created explicitly by converting an "array-like" object.

    .. ipython:: python

        # Construct a Galois field array from a list
        l = [142, 27, 92, 253, 103]; l

        # Construct a Galois field array from an existing numpy array
        x_np = np.array(l, dtype=np.int64); x_np

    Arrays can also be created by "view casting" from an existing numpy array. This avoids
    a copy operation, which is especially useful for large data already brought into memory.

    .. ipython:: python

        a = x_np.view(GF256); a

        # Changing `x_np` will change `a`
        x_np[0] = 0; x_np

    def __new__(cls, array, dtype=None, copy=True, order="K", ndmin=0):
        if cls is GFArray:
            raise NotImplementedError("GFArray is an abstract base class that cannot be directly instantiated. Instead, create a GFArray subclass for GF(p^m) arithmetic using `galois.GF(p**m)`.")
        return cls._array(array, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, order=order, ndmin=ndmin)

    def _get_dtype(cls, dtype):
        if dtype is None:
            return cls.dtypes[0]

        # Convert "dtype" to a numpy dtype. This does platform specific conversion, if necessary.
        # For example, np.dtype(int) == np.int64 (on some systems).
        dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        if dtype not in cls.dtypes:
            raise TypeError(f"{} arrays only support dtypes {[np.dtype(d).name for d in cls.dtypes]}, not '{}'.")

        return dtype

    def _array(cls, array_like, dtype=None, copy=True, order="K", ndmin=0):
        dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype)
        array_like = cls._check_array_like_object(array_like)
        array = np.array(array_like, dtype=dtype, copy=copy, order=order, ndmin=ndmin)
        return array.view(cls)

    def _check_array_like_object(cls, array_like):
        if isinstance(array_like, str):
            # Convert the string to an integer
            array_like = str_to_integer(array_like, cls.prime_subfield)

        if isinstance(array_like, (int, np.integer)):
            # Just check that the single int is in range

        elif isinstance(array_like, (list, tuple)):
            # Recursively check the items in the iterable to ensure they're of the correct type
            # and that their values are in range
            array_like = cls._check_iterable_types_and_values(array_like)

        elif isinstance(array_like, np.ndarray):
            if array_like.dtype == np.object_:
                array_like = cls._check_array_types_dtype_object(array_like)
            elif not np.issubdtype(array_like.dtype, np.integer):
                raise TypeError(f"{} arrays must have integer dtypes, not {array_like.dtype}.")

            raise TypeError(f"{} arrays can be created with scalars of type int, not {type(array_like)}.")

        return array_like

    def _check_iterable_types_and_values(cls, iterable):
        new_iterable = []
        for item in iterable:
            if isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
                item = cls._check_iterable_types_and_values(item)

            if isinstance(item, str):
                item = str_to_integer(item, cls.prime_subfield)
            elif not isinstance(item, (int, np.integer, cls)):
                raise TypeError(f"When {} arrays are created/assigned with an iterable, each element must be an integer. Found type {type(item)}.")

            if not 0 <= item < cls.order:
                raise ValueError(f"{} arrays must have elements in 0 <= x < {cls.order}, not {item}.")

            # Ensure the type is int so dtype=object classes don't get all mixed up

        return new_iterable

    def _check_array_types_dtype_object(cls, array):
        if array.size == 0:
            return array
        if array.ndim == 0:
            if not isinstance(array[()], (int, np.integer, cls)):
                raise TypeError(f"When {} arrays are created/assigned with a numpy array with dtype=object, each element must be an integer. Found type {type(array[()])}.")
            return int(array)

        iterator = np.nditer(array, flags=["multi_index", "refs_ok"])
        for _ in iterator:
            a = array[iterator.multi_index]
            if not isinstance(a, (int, np.integer, cls)):
                raise TypeError(f"When {} arrays are created/assigned with a numpy array with dtype=object, each element must be an integer. Found type {type(a)}.")

            # Ensure the type is int so dtype=object classes don't get all mixed up
            array[iterator.multi_index] = int(a)

        return array

    def _check_array_values(cls, array):
        if not isinstance(array, np.ndarray):
            # Convert single integer to array so next step doesn't fail
            array = np.array(array)

        # Check the value of the "field elements" and make sure they are valid
        if np.any(array < 0) or np.any(array >= cls.order):
            idxs = np.logical_or(array < 0, array >= cls.order)
            raise ValueError(f"{} arrays must have elements in 0 <= x < {cls.order}, not {array[idxs]}.")

    # Alternate constructors

[docs] @classmethod def Zeros(cls, shape, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array with all zeros. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple A numpy-compliant `shape` tuple, see :obj:`numpy.ndarray.shape`. An empty tuple `()` represents a scalar. A single integer or 1-tuple, e.g. `N` or `(N,)`, represents the size of a 1-dim array. An n-tuple, e.g. `(M,N)`, represents an n-dim array with each element indicating the size in each dimension. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of zeros. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Zeros((2,5)) """ dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) array = np.zeros(shape, dtype=dtype) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def Ones(cls, shape, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array with all ones. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple A numpy-compliant `shape` tuple, see :obj:`numpy.ndarray.shape`. An empty tuple `()` represents a scalar. A single integer or 1-tuple, e.g. `N` or `(N,)`, represents the size of a 1-dim array. An n-tuple, e.g. `(M,N)`, represents an n-dim array with each element indicating the size in each dimension. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of ones. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Ones((2,5)) """ dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) array = np.ones(shape, dtype=dtype) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def Identity(cls, size, dtype=None): """ Creates an :math:`n \\times n` Galois field identity matrix. Parameters ---------- size : int The size :math:`n` along one axis of the matrix. The resulting array has shape `(size,size)`. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field identity matrix of shape `(size, size)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Identity(4) """ dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) array = np.identity(size, dtype=dtype) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def Vandermonde(cls, a, m, n, dtype=None): """ Creates a :math:`m \\times n` Vandermonde matrix of :math:`a \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Parameters ---------- a : int, galois.GFArray An element of :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. m : int The number of rows in the Vandermonde matrix. n : int The number of columns in the Vandermonde matrix. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray The :math:`m \\times n` Vandermonde matrix. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**3) a = GF.primitive_element V = GF.Vandermonde(a, 7, 7) with GF.display("power"): print(V) """ if not isinstance(a, (int, np.integer,cls)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `a` must be an integer or element of {}, not {type(a)}.") if not isinstance(m, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `m` must be an integer, not {type(m)}.") if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Argument `n` must be an integer, not {type(n)}.") if not m > 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `m` must be non-negative, not {m}.") if not n > 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `n` must be non-negative, not {n}.") dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) a = cls(a, dtype=dtype) if not a.ndim == 0: raise ValueError(f"Argument `a` must be a scalar, not {a.ndim}-D.") v = a ** np.arange(0, m) V = np.power.outer(v, np.arange(0, n)) return V
[docs] @classmethod def Range(cls, start, stop, step=1, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array with a range of field elements. Parameters ---------- start : int The starting value (inclusive). stop : int The stopping value (exclusive). step : int, optional The space between values. The default is 1. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of a range of field elements. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Range(10,20) """ dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) if not stop <= cls.order: raise ValueError(f"The stopping value must be less than the field order of {cls.order}, not {stop}.") if dtype != np.object_: array = np.arange(start, stop, step=step, dtype=dtype) else: array = np.array(range(start, stop, step), dtype=dtype) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def Random(cls, shape=(), low=0, high=None, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array with random field elements. Parameters ---------- shape : tuple A numpy-compliant `shape` tuple, see :obj:`numpy.ndarray.shape`. An empty tuple `()` represents a scalar. A single integer or 1-tuple, e.g. `N` or `(N,)`, represents the size of a 1-dim array. An n-tuple, e.g. `(M,N)`, represents an n-dim array with each element indicating the size in each dimension. low : int, optional The lowest value (inclusive) of a random field element. The default is 0. high : int, optional The highest value (exclusive) of a random field element. The default is `None` which represents the field's order :math:`p^m`. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of random field elements. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Random((2,5)) """ dtype = cls._get_dtype(dtype) high = cls.order if high is None else high if not 0 <= low < high <= cls.order: raise ValueError(f"Arguments must satisfy `0 <= low < high <= order`, not `0 <= {low} < {high} <= {cls.order}`.") if dtype != np.object_: array = np.random.randint(low, high, shape, dtype=dtype) else: array = np.empty(shape, dtype=dtype) iterator = np.nditer(array, flags=["multi_index", "refs_ok"]) for _ in iterator: array[iterator.multi_index] = random.randint(low, high - 1) return array.view(cls)
[docs] @classmethod def Elements(cls, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array of the field's elements :math:`\\{0, \\dots, p^m-1\\}`. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of all the field's elements. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.Elements() """ return cls.Range(0, cls.order, step=1, dtype=dtype)
[docs] @classmethod def Vector(cls, array, dtype=None): """ Creates a Galois field array over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)` from length-:math:`m` vectors over the prime subfield :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`. Parameters ---------- array : array_like The input array with field elements in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` to be converted to a Galois field array in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The last dimension of the input array must be :math:`m`. An input array with shape `(n1, n2, m)` has output shape `(n1, n2)`. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**6) vec = galois.GF2.Random((3,6)); vec a = GF.Vector(vec); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) a.vector() """ order = cls.prime_subfield.order degree = array = cls.prime_subfield(array).view(np.ndarray).astype(cls.dtypes[-1]) # Use the largest dtype so computation doesn't overflow if not array.shape[-1] == degree: raise ValueError(f"The last dimension of `array` must be the field extension dimension {}, not {array.shape[-1]}.") degrees = np.arange(degree - 1, -1, -1, dtype=cls.dtypes[-1]) array = np.sum(array * order**degrees, axis=-1) return cls(array, dtype=dtype)
############################################################################### # Array methods ###############################################################################
[docs] def vector(self, dtype=None): """ Converts the Galois field array over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)` to length-:math:`m` vectors over the prime subfield :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`. For an input array with shape `(n1, n2)`, the output shape is `(n1, n2, m)`. Parameters ---------- dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is `None` which represents the smallest valid dtype for this class, i.e. the first element in :obj:`galois.GFMeta.dtypes`. Returns ------- galois.GFArray A Galois field array of length-:math:`m` vectors over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**6) a = GF.Random(3); a vec = a.vector(); vec GF.Vector(vec) """ order = type(self).prime_subfield.order degree = type(self).degree array = self.view(np.ndarray) array = np.repeat(array, degree).reshape(*array.shape, degree) x = 0 for i in range(degree): q = (array[...,i] - x) // order**(degree - 1 - i) array[...,i] = q x += q*order**(degree - 1 - i) return type(self).prime_subfield(array, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def row_reduce(self, ncols=None): """ Performs Gaussian elimination on the matrix to achieve reduced row echelon form. **Row reduction operations** 1. Swap the position of any two rows. 2. Multiply a row by a non-zero scalar. 3. Add one row to a scalar multiple of another row. Parameters ---------- ncols : int, optional The number of columns to perform Gaussian elimination over. The default is `None` which represents the number of columns of the input array. Returns ------- galois.GFArray The reduced row echelon form of the input array. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) A = GF.Random((4,4)); A A.row_reduce() np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) One column is a linear combination of another. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) A = GF.Random((4,4)); A A[:,2] = A[:,1] * GF(17); A A.row_reduce() np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) One row is a linear combination of another. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) A = GF.Random((4,4)); A A[3,:] = A[2,:] * GF(8); A A.row_reduce() np.linalg.matrix_rank(A) """ return row_reduce(self, ncols=ncols)
[docs] def lu_decompose(self): """ Decomposes the input array into the product of lower and upper triangular matrices. Returns ------- galois.GFArray The lower triangular matrix. galois.GFArray The upper triangular matrix. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(5) # Not every square matrix has an LU decomposition A = GF([[2, 4, 4, 1], [3, 3, 1, 4], [4, 3, 4, 2], [4, 4, 3, 1]]) L, U = A.lu_decompose() L U # A = L U np.array_equal(A, L @ U) """ return lu_decompose(self)
[docs] def lup_decompose(self): """ Decomposes the input array into the product of lower and upper triangular matrices using partial pivoting. Returns ------- galois.GFArray The lower triangular matrix. galois.GFArray The upper triangular matrix. galois.GFArray The permutation matrix. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(5) A = GF([[1, 3, 2, 0], [3, 4, 2, 3], [0, 2, 1, 4], [4, 3, 3, 1]]) L, U, P = A.lup_decompose() L U P # P A = L U np.array_equal(P @ A, L @ U) """ return lup_decompose(self)
############################################################################### # Overridden numpy methods ############################################################################### def astype(self, dtype, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ if dtype not in type(self).dtypes: raise TypeError(f"{type(self).name} arrays can only be cast as integer dtypes in {type(self).dtypes}, not {dtype}.") return super().astype(dtype, **kwargs) def __array_finalize__(self, obj): """ A numpy dunder method that is called after "new", "view", or "new from template". It is used here to ensure that view casting to a Galois field array has the appropriate dtype and that the values are in the field. """ if obj is not None and not isinstance(obj, GFArray): # Only invoked on view casting if obj.dtype not in type(self).dtypes: raise TypeError(f"{type(self).name} can only have integer dtypes {type(self).dtypes}, not {obj.dtype}.") if np.any(obj < 0) or np.any(obj >= type(self).order): idxs = np.logical_or(obj < 0, obj >= type(self).order) raise ValueError(f"{type(self).name} arrays must have values in 0 <= x < {type(self).order}, not {obj[idxs]}.") def __getitem__(self, key): item = super().__getitem__(key) if np.isscalar(item): # Return scalar array elements as 0-dimension Galois field arrays. This enables Galois field arithmetic # on scalars, which would otherwise be implemented using standard integer arithmetic. item = self.__class__(item, dtype=self.dtype) return item def __setitem__(self, key, value): # Verify the values to be written to the Galois field array are in the field value = self._check_array_like_object(value) super().__setitem__(key, value) def __array_function__(self, func, types, args, kwargs): if func in OVERRIDDEN_FUNCTIONS: output = OVERRIDDEN_FUNCTIONS[func](*args, **kwargs) elif func in UNSUPPORTED_FUNCTIONS: raise NotImplementedError(f"The numpy function '{func.__name__}' is not supported on Galois field arrays. If you believe this function should be supported, please submit a GitHub issue at\n\nIf you'd like to perform this operation on the data (but not necessarily a Galois field array), you should first call `array = array.view(np.ndarray)` and then call the function.") else: if func is np.insert: args = list(args) args[2] = self._check_array_like_object(args[2]) args = tuple(args) output = super().__array_function__(func, types, args, kwargs) # pylint: disable=no-member if func in FUNCTIONS_REQUIRING_VIEW: if np.isscalar(output): output = type(self)(output, dtype=self.dtype) else: output = output.view(type(self)) return output def __array_ufunc__(self, ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs): # pylint: disable=too-many-branches # print(ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs) meta = {} meta["types"] = [type(inputs[i]) for i in range(len(inputs))] meta["operands"] = list(range(len(inputs))) if method in ["at", "reduceat"]: # Remove the second argument for "at" ufuncs which is the indices list meta["operands"].pop(1) meta["field_operands"] = [i for i in meta["operands"] if isinstance(inputs[i], self.__class__)] meta["non_field_operands"] = [i for i in meta["operands"] if not isinstance(inputs[i], self.__class__)] meta["field"] = self.__class__ meta["dtype"] = self.dtype # meta["ufuncs"] = self._ufuncs if ufunc in OVERRIDDEN_UFUNCS: # Set all ufuncs with "casting" keyword argument to "unsafe" so we can cast unsigned integers # to integers. We know this is safe because we already verified the inputs. if method not in ["reduce", "accumulate", "at", "reduceat"]: kwargs["casting"] = "unsafe" # Need to set the intermediate dtype for reduction operations or an error will be thrown. We # use the largest valid dtype for this field. if method in ["reduce"]: kwargs["dtype"] = type(self).dtypes[-1] return getattr(type(self), OVERRIDDEN_UFUNCS[ufunc])(ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta) elif ufunc in UNSUPPORTED_UFUNCS: raise NotImplementedError(f"The numpy ufunc '{ufunc.__name__}' is not supported on Galois field arrays. If you believe this ufunc should be supported, please submit a GitHub issue at") else: inputs, kwargs = type(self)._view_inputs_as_ndarray(inputs, kwargs) output = super().__array_ufunc__(ufunc, method, *inputs, **kwargs) # pylint: disable=no-member if ufunc in UFUNCS_REQUIRING_VIEW and output is not None: output = output.view(type(self)) return output ############################################################################### # Display methods ############################################################################### def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() def __repr__(self): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init formatter = {} if type(self).display_mode == "poly": formatter["int"] = self._print_poly formatter["object"] = self._print_poly elif type(self).display_mode == "power": nonzero_idxs = np.nonzero(self) if self.ndim > 1: self._display_power_pre_width = 0 if nonzero_idxs[0].size == self.size else 1 max_power = np.max(np.log(self[nonzero_idxs])) if max_power > 1: self._display_power_width = self._display_power_pre_width + 2 + len(str(max_power)) else: self._display_power_width = self._display_power_pre_width + 1 else: self._display_power_pre_width = None self._display_power_width = None formatter["int"] = self._print_power formatter["object"] = self._print_power elif self.dtype == np.object_: formatter["object"] = self._print_int cls = type(self) class_name = cls.__name__ with np.printoptions(formatter=formatter): cls.__name__ = "GF" # Rename the class so very large fields don't create large indenting string = super().__repr__() cls.__name__ = class_name if == 1: order = "{}".format(cls.order) else: order = "{}^{}".format(cls.characteristic, # Remove the dtype from the repr and add the Galois field order dtype_idx = string.find("dtype") if dtype_idx == -1: string = string[:-1] + f", order={order})" else: string = string[:dtype_idx] + f"order={order})" return string @staticmethod def _print_int(element): return "{:d}".format(int(element)) def _print_poly(self, element): poly = integer_to_poly(element, type(self).characteristic) poly_var = "α" if type(self).primitive_element == type(self).characteristic else "x" return poly_to_str(poly, poly_var=poly_var) def _print_power(self, element): if element == 0: s = "-∞" else: power = type(self)._ufuncs["log"](element) if power > 1: s = f"α^{power}" elif power == 1: s = "α" else: s = "1" if self._display_power_pre_width: s = " " + s if self._display_power_width: return s + " "*(self._display_power_width - len(s)) else: return s @classmethod def _poly_eval(cls, coeffs, x): coeffs = cls(coeffs) # Convert coefficient into the field coeffs = coeffs.view(np.ndarray) # View cast to normal integers so ufunc_poly_eval call uses normal arithmetic coeffs = np.atleast_1d(coeffs) if coeffs.size == 1: # TODO: Why must coeffs have atleast 2 elements otherwise it will be converted to a scalar, not 1d array? coeffs = np.insert(coeffs, 0, 0) x = cls(x) # Convert evaluation values into the field (checks that values are in the field) x = x.view(np.ndarray) # View cast to normal integers so ufunc_poly_eval call uses normal arithmetic x = np.atleast_1d(x) if cls.dtypes[-1] == np.object_: # For object dtypes, call the vectorized classmethod y = cls._ufuncs["poly_eval"](coeffs=coeffs, values=x) # pylint: disable=not-callable else: # For integer dtypes, call the JIT-compiled gufunc y = np.copy(x) cls._ufuncs["poly_eval"](coeffs, x, y, casting="unsafe") # pylint: disable=not-callable y = cls(y) if y.size == 1: y = y[0] return y