Source code for galois.meta_gf

import numpy as np

from .meta_mixin_ufunc import UfuncMixin
from .modular import totatives
from .overrides import set_module

__all__ = ["GFMeta"]

class GFMeta(UfuncMixin):
    Defines a metaclass for all :obj:`galois.GFArray` classes.

    This metaclass gives :obj:`galois.GFArray` classes returned from :func:`galois.GF` class methods and properties
    relating to its Galois field.
    # pylint: disable=no-value-for-parameter,comparison-with-callable,too-many-public-methods

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)
        cls._characteristic = kwargs.get("characteristic", None)
        cls._degree = kwargs.get("degree", None)
        cls._order = kwargs.get("order", None)
        cls._irreducible_poly = kwargs.get("irreducible_poly", None)
        cls._primitive_element = kwargs.get("primitive_element", None)

        cls._is_primitive_poly = None
        cls._prime_subfield = None

        cls._ufunc_mode = None
        cls._ufunc_target = None
        cls._display_mode = "int"

    def __str__(cls):
        return f"<class 'numpy.ndarray over {}'>"

    def __repr__(cls):
        return f"<class 'numpy.ndarray over {}'>"

    # Class methods

[docs] def display(cls, mode="int"): """ Sets the display mode for all Galois field arrays of this type. The display mode can be set to either the integer representation, polynomial representation, or power representation. This function updates :obj:`display_mode`. For the power representation, :func:`np.log` is computed on each element. So for large fields without lookup tables, this may take longer than desired. Parameters ---------- mode : str, optional The field element display mode, either `"int"` (default), `"poly"`, or `"power"`. Examples -------- Change the display mode by calling the :func:`display` method. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) a = GF.Random(); a # Change the display mode going forward GF.display("poly"); a GF.display("power"); a # Reset to the default display mode GF.display(); a The :func:`display` method can also be used as a context manager, as shown below. For the polynomial representation, when the primitive element is :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]` the polynomial indeterminate used is `α`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) But when the primitive element is not :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]`, the polynomial indeterminate used is `x`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) """ if mode not in ["int", "poly", "power"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in ['int', 'poly', 'power'], not {mode}.") context = DisplayContext(cls) # Set the new state cls._display_mode = mode return context
############################################################################### # Class attributes ############################################################################### @property def name(cls): """ str: The Galois field name. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).name galois.GF(2**8).name galois.GF(31).name # galois.GF(7**5).name """ if cls._degree == 1: return f"GF({cls._characteristic})" else: return f"GF({cls._characteristic}^{cls._degree})" @property def characteristic(cls): """ int: The prime characteristic :math:`p` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Adding :math:`p` copies of any element will always result in :math:`0`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.characteristic a = GF.Random(); a a * GF.characteristic .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(31) GF.characteristic a = GF.Random(); a a * GF.characteristic """ return cls._characteristic @property def degree(cls): """ int: The prime characteristic's degree :math:`m` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The degree is a positive integer. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).degree galois.GF(2**8).degree galois.GF(31).degree # galois.GF(7**5).degree """ return cls._degree @property def order(cls): """ int: The order :math:`p^m` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The order of the field is also equal to the field's size. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).order galois.GF(2**8).order galois.GF(31).order # galois.GF(7**5).order """ return cls._order @property def irreducible_poly(cls): """ galois.Poly: The irreducible polynomial :math:`f(x)` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. The irreducible polynomial is of degree :math:`m` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).irreducible_poly galois.GF(2**8).irreducible_poly galois.GF(31).irreducible_poly # galois.GF(7**5).irreducible_poly """ # Ensure accesses of this property don't alter it return cls._irreducible_poly.copy() @property def is_primitive_poly(cls): """ bool: Indicates whether the :obj:`irreducible_poly` is a primitive polynomial. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) GF.irreducible_poly GF.primitive_element # The irreducible polynomial is a primitive polynomial is the primitive element is a root GF.irreducible_poly(GF.primitive_element, field=GF) GF.is_primitive_poly .. ipython:: python # Field used in AES GF = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) GF.irreducible_poly GF.primitive_element # The irreducible polynomial is a primitive polynomial is the primitive element is a root GF.irreducible_poly(GF.primitive_element, field=GF) GF.is_primitive_poly """ return cls._is_primitive_poly @property def primitive_element(cls): """ int: A primitive element :math:`\\alpha` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. A primitive element is a multiplicative generator of the field, such that :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m) = \\{0, 1, \\alpha^1, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{p^m - 2}\\}`. A primitive element is a root of the primitive polynomial :math:`\\f(x)`, such that :math:`f(\\alpha) = 0` over :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).primitive_element galois.GF(2**8).primitive_element galois.GF(31).primitive_element # galois.GF(7**5).primitive_element """ # Ensure accesses of this property don't alter it return np.copy(cls._primitive_element) @property def primitive_elements(cls): """ int: All primitive elements :math:`\\alpha` of the Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. A primitive element is a multiplicative generator of the field, such that :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m) = \\{0, 1, \\alpha^1, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{p^m - 2}\\}`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).primitive_elements galois.GF(2**8).primitive_elements galois.GF(31).primitive_elements # galois.GF(7**5).primitive_elements """ powers = np.array(totatives(cls.order - 1)) return np.sort(cls.primitive_element ** powers) @property def is_prime_field(cls): """ bool: Indicates if the field's order is prime. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).is_prime_field galois.GF(2**8).is_prime_field galois.GF(31).is_prime_field # galois.GF(7**5).is_prime_field """ return cls._degree == 1 @property def is_extension_field(cls): """ bool: Indicates if the field's order is a prime power. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).is_extension_field galois.GF(2**8).is_extension_field galois.GF(31).is_extension_field # galois.GF(7**5).is_extension_field """ return cls._degree > 1 @property def prime_subfield(cls): """ galois.GFMeta: The prime subfield :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` of the extension field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF(2) print(galois.GF(2**8) print(galois.GF(31) # print(galois.GF(7**5) """ return cls._prime_subfield @property def dtypes(cls): """ list: List of valid integer :obj:`numpy.dtype` objects that are compatible with this Galois field. Valid data types are signed and unsinged integers that can represent decimal values in :math:`[0, p^m)`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).dtypes galois.GF(2**8).dtypes galois.GF(31).dtypes # galois.GF(7**5).dtypes For field's with orders that cannot be represented by :obj:`numpy.int64`, the only valid dtype is :obj:`numpy.object_`. .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2**100).dtypes galois.GF(36893488147419103183).dtypes """ raise NotImplementedError @property def ufunc_mode(cls): """ str: The mode for ufunc compilation, either `"jit-lookup"`, `"jit-calculate"`, `"python-calculate"`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_mode galois.GF(31).ufunc_mode # galois.GF(7**5).ufunc_mode """ return cls._ufunc_mode @property def ufunc_modes(cls): """ list: All supported ufunc modes for this Galois field array class. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_modes galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_modes galois.GF(31).ufunc_modes galois.GF(2**100).ufunc_modes """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return ["python-calculate"] else: return ["jit-lookup", "jit-calculate"] @property def default_ufunc_mode(cls): """ str: The default ufunc arithmetic mode for this Galois field. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**8).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(31).default_ufunc_mode galois.GF(2**100).default_ufunc_mode """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return "python-calculate" elif cls.order <= 2**20: return "jit-lookup" else: return "jit-calculate" @property def ufunc_target(cls): """ str: The numba target for the JIT-compiled ufuncs, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_target galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_target galois.GF(31).ufunc_target # galois.GF(7**5).ufunc_target """ return cls._ufunc_target @property def ufunc_targets(cls): """ list: All supported ufunc targets for this Galois field array class. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python galois.GF(2).ufunc_targets galois.GF(2**8).ufunc_targets galois.GF(31).ufunc_targets galois.GF(2**100).ufunc_targets """ if cls.dtypes == [np.object_]: return ["cpu"] else: return ["cpu", "parallel", "cuda"] @property def display_mode(cls): """ str: The representation of Galois field elements, either `"int"`, `"poly"`, or `"power"`. This can be changed with :func:`display`. Examples -------- For the polynomial representation, when the primitive element is :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]` the polynomial indeterminate used is `α`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) But when the primitive element is not :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]`, the polynomial indeterminate used is `x`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) """ return cls._display_mode @property def properties(cls): """ str: A formmatted string displaying relevant properties of the Galois field. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF(2).properties) print(galois.GF(2**8).properties) print(galois.GF(31).properties) # print(galois.GF(7**5).properties) """ string = f"{}:" string += f"\n characteristic: {cls.characteristic}" string += f"\n degree: {}" string += f"\n order: {cls.order}" string += f"\n irreducible_poly: {cls.irreducible_poly}" string += f"\n is_primitive_poly: {cls.is_primitive_poly}" string += f"\n primitive_element: {cls.primitive_element!r}" return string class DisplayContext: """ Simple context manager for the :obj:`GFArrayMeta.display` method. """ def __init__(self, cls): # Save the previous state self.cls = cls self.mode = cls.display_mode def __enter__(self): # Don't need to do anything, we already set the new mode in the display() method pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # Reset mode and upon exiting the context self.cls._display_mode = self.mode