
Documentation of some native numpy functions when called on Galois field arrays.



Returns a copy of a given Galois field array.

np.concatenate(arrays[, axis])

Concatenates the input arrays along the given axis.

np.insert(array, object, values[, axis])

Inserts values along the given axis.


np.add(x, y)

Adds two Galois field arrays element-wise.

np.subtract(x, y)

Subtracts two Galois field arrays element-wise.

np.multiply(x, y)

Multiplies two Galois field arrays element-wise.

np.divide(x, y)

Divides two Galois field arrays element-wise.


Returns the element-wise additive inverse of a Galois field array.


Returns the element-wise multiplicative inverse of a Galois field array.

np.power(x, y)

Exponentiates a Galois field array element-wise.


Squares a Galois field array element-wise.


Computes the logarithm (base GF.primitive_element) of a Galois field array element-wise.

np.matmul(x1, x2)

Computes the matrix multiplication of two Galois field arrays.

Linear Algebra


Returns the sum along the diagonal of a Galois field array.

np.matmul(x1, x2)

Computes the matrix multiplication of two Galois field arrays.


Returns the rank of a Galois field matrix.


Raises a square Galois field matrix to an integer power.


Computes the determinant of the matrix.


Computes the inverse of the matrix.


Solves the system of linear equations.

np.add(x, y)[source]

Adds two Galois field arrays element-wise.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([25, 23, 29, 14, 16, 10, 17,  4, 27, 13], order=31)

In [3]: y = GF.Random(10); y
Out[3]: GF([28,  4, 15,  6,  6, 26, 26,  6, 24, 30], order=31)

In [4]: np.add(x, y)
Out[4]: GF([22, 27, 13, 20, 22,  5, 12, 10, 20, 12], order=31)

In [5]: x + y
Out[5]: GF([22, 27, 13, 20, 22,  5, 12, 10, 20, 12], order=31)
np.concatenate(arrays, axis=0)[source]

Concatenates the input arrays along the given axis.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(2**3)

In [2]: A = GF.Random((2,2)); A
GF([[4, 5],
    [3, 7]], order=2^3)

In [3]: B = GF.Random((2,2)); B
GF([[1, 0],
    [5, 5]], order=2^3)

In [4]: np.concatenate((A,B), axis=0)
GF([[4, 5],
    [3, 7],
    [1, 0],
    [5, 5]], order=2^3)

In [5]: np.concatenate((A,B), axis=1)
GF([[4, 5, 1, 0],
    [3, 7, 5, 5]], order=2^3)
np.divide(x, y)[source]

Divides two Galois field arrays element-wise.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([10, 29, 19, 30, 28, 16,  0, 18,  1,  0], order=31)

In [3]: y = GF.Random(10, low=1); y
Out[3]: GF([30, 30, 27,  1,  6,  9, 30, 25,  1, 19], order=31)

In [4]: z = np.divide(x, y); z
Out[4]: GF([21,  2,  3, 30, 15, 19,  0, 28,  1,  0], order=31)

In [5]: y * z
Out[5]: GF([10, 29, 19, 30, 28, 16,  0, 18,  1,  0], order=31)
In [6]: np.true_divide(x, y)
Out[6]: GF([21,  2,  3, 30, 15, 19,  0, 28,  1,  0], order=31)

In [7]: x / y
Out[7]: GF([21,  2,  3, 30, 15, 19,  0, 28,  1,  0], order=31)

In [8]: np.floor_divide(x, y)
Out[8]: GF([21,  2,  3, 30, 15, 19,  0, 28,  1,  0], order=31)

In [9]: x // y
Out[9]: GF([21,  2,  3, 30, 15, 19,  0, 28,  1,  0], order=31)
np.insert(array, object, values, axis=None)[source]

Inserts values along the given axis.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(2**3)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(5); x
Out[2]: GF([7, 2, 7, 2, 5], order=2^3)

In [3]: np.insert(x, 1, [0,1,2,3])
Out[3]: GF([7, 0, 1, 2, 3, 2, 7, 2, 5], order=2^3)

Computes the logarithm (base GF.primitive_element) of a Galois field array element-wise.

Calling np.log() implicitly uses base galois.GFMeta.primitive_element. See galois.GFArray.log() for logarithm with arbitrary base.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: alpha = GF.primitive_element; alpha
Out[2]: GF(3, order=31)

In [3]: x = GF.Random(10, low=1); x
Out[3]: GF([14,  6, 27, 24,  3, 26,  9,  2,  5,  2], order=31)

In [4]: y = np.log(x); y
Out[4]: array([22, 25,  3, 13,  1,  5,  2, 24, 20, 24])

In [5]: alpha ** y
Out[5]: GF([14,  6, 27, 24,  3, 26,  9,  2,  5,  2], order=31)
np.matmul(x1, x2)[source]

Computes the matrix multiplication of two Galois field arrays.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x1 = GF.Random((3,4)); x1
GF([[19, 16, 14, 25],
    [26,  3, 11, 14],
    [22,  8, 12, 27]], order=31)

In [3]: x2 = GF.Random((4,5)); x2
GF([[14,  4, 19, 18, 18],
    [13, 13, 18,  1,  2],
    [ 7,  1, 21, 26,  8],
    [21, 21,  4, 11, 13]], order=31)

In [4]: np.matmul(x1, x2)
GF([[12, 17, 20,  5,  5],
    [30, 14, 29, 12,  0],
    [ 9, 27, 23, 21, 22]], order=31)

In [5]: x1 @ x2
GF([[12, 17, 20,  5,  5],
    [30, 14, 29, 12,  0],
    [ 9, 27, 23, 21, 22]], order=31)
np.multiply(x, y)[source]

Multiplies two Galois field arrays element-wise.



Multiplying two Galois field arrays results in field multiplication.

In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([17, 26,  6, 17, 12,  4, 24,  9, 15, 16], order=31)

In [3]: y = GF.Random(10); y
Out[3]: GF([ 7, 27, 15, 25, 16, 22, 15,  2,  6,  3], order=31)

In [4]: np.multiply(x, y)
Out[4]: GF([26, 20, 28, 22,  6, 26, 19, 18, 28, 17], order=31)

In [5]: x * y
Out[5]: GF([26, 20, 28, 22,  6, 26, 19, 18, 28, 17], order=31)

Multiplying a Galois field array with an integer results in scalar multiplication.

In [6]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [7]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[7]: GF([ 8,  7, 27,  0, 20,  6,  5, 11, 17,  8], order=31)

In [8]: np.multiply(x, 3)
Out[8]: GF([24, 21, 19,  0, 29, 18, 15,  2, 20, 24], order=31)

In [9]: x * 3
Out[9]: GF([24, 21, 19,  0, 29, 18, 15,  2, 20, 24], order=31)
In [10]: print(
  characteristic: 31
  degree: 1
  order: 31
  irreducible_poly: Poly(x + 28, GF(31))
  is_primitive_poly: True
  primitive_element: GF(3, order=31)

# Adding `characteristic` copies of any element always results in zero
In [11]: x * GF.characteristic
Out[11]: GF([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], order=31)

Returns the element-wise additive inverse of a Galois field array.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([18, 15, 29, 25,  1,  3, 23,  9,  5, 28], order=31)

In [3]: y = np.negative(x); y
Out[3]: GF([13, 16,  2,  6, 30, 28,  8, 22, 26,  3], order=31)

In [4]: x + y
Out[4]: GF([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], order=31)
In [5]: -x
Out[5]: GF([13, 16,  2,  6, 30, 28,  8, 22, 26,  3], order=31)

In [6]: -1*x
Out[6]: GF([13, 16,  2,  6, 30, 28,  8, 22, 26,  3], order=31)
np.power(x, y)[source]

Exponentiates a Galois field array element-wise.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([25, 22, 29,  1,  1, 29,  6, 14,  4,  8], order=31)

In [3]: np.power(x, 3)
Out[3]: GF([ 1, 15, 23,  1,  1, 23, 30, 16,  2, 16], order=31)

In [4]: x ** 3
Out[4]: GF([ 1, 15, 23,  1,  1, 23, 30, 16,  2, 16], order=31)

In [5]: x * x * x
Out[5]: GF([ 1, 15, 23,  1,  1, 23, 30, 16,  2, 16], order=31)
In [6]: x = GF.Random(10, low=1); x
Out[6]: GF([27, 21, 14,  6,  7,  9, 12, 14,  3,  6], order=31)

In [7]: y = np.random.randint(-10, 10, 10); y
Out[7]: array([-8, -4,  1, -6,  8, -3, -8,  1,  8, -4])

In [8]: np.power(x, y)
Out[8]: GF([16, 19, 14,  1, 10,  2,  7, 14, 20,  5], order=31)

In [9]: x ** y
Out[9]: GF([16, 19, 14,  1, 10,  2,  7, 14, 20,  5], order=31)

Returns the element-wise multiplicative inverse of a Galois field array.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(5, low=1); x
Out[2]: GF([21,  8,  3, 14, 18], order=31)

In [3]: y = np.reciprocal(x); y
Out[3]: GF([ 3,  4, 21, 20, 19], order=31)

In [4]: x * y
Out[4]: GF([1, 1, 1, 1, 1], order=31)
In [5]: x ** -1
Out[5]: GF([ 3,  4, 21, 20, 19], order=31)

In [6]: GF(1) / x
Out[6]: GF([ 3,  4, 21, 20, 19], order=31)

In [7]: GF(1) // x
Out[7]: GF([ 3,  4, 21, 20, 19], order=31)

Squares a Galois field array element-wise.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([24, 10, 21, 13, 10, 16,  1,  3,  6, 18], order=31)

In [3]: np.square(x)
Out[3]: GF([18,  7,  7, 14,  7,  8,  1,  9,  5, 14], order=31)

In [4]: x ** 2
Out[4]: GF([18,  7,  7, 14,  7,  8,  1,  9,  5, 14], order=31)

In [5]: x * x
Out[5]: GF([18,  7,  7, 14,  7,  8,  1,  9,  5, 14], order=31)
np.subtract(x, y)[source]

Subtracts two Galois field arrays element-wise.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([20, 10, 25, 27, 13, 29, 14,  2,  7,  2], order=31)

In [3]: y = GF.Random(10); y
Out[3]: GF([ 5,  4, 29,  0, 13, 20, 10, 24, 11,  0], order=31)

In [4]: np.subtract(x, y)
Out[4]: GF([15,  6, 27, 27,  0,  9,  4,  9, 27,  2], order=31)

In [5]: x - y
Out[5]: GF([15,  6, 27, 27,  0,  9,  4,  9, 27,  2], order=31)