Source code for galois.code.bch

import numba
from numba import int64
import numpy as np

from ..factor import prime_factors
from ..field import Field, Poly, GF2, primitive_poly as primitive_poly_
from ..overrides import set_module

from .bch_functions import _compute_generator_poly, _convert_poly_to_matrix

__all__ = ["BCH"]

class BCH:
    Constructs a primitive, narrow-sense binary :math:`\\textrm{BCH}(n, k)` code.

    n : int
        The codeword size :math:`n`, must be :math:`n = 2^m - 1`.
    k : int
        The message size :math:`k`.
    primitive_poly : int, galois.Poly, optional
        Optionally specify the primitive polynomial that defines the extension field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^m)`. The default is
        `None` which uses the lexicographically-smallest primitive polynomial, i.e. `galois.primitive_poly(2, m, method="smallest")`.
        The use of the lexicographically-smallest primitive polynomial, as opposed to a Conway polynomial, is the default in textbooks,
        Matlab, and Octave.
    primitive_element : int, galois.Poly, optional
        Optionally specify the primitive element :math:`\\alpha` whose powers are roots of the generator polynomial :math:`g(x)`.
        The default is `None` which uses the lexicographically-smallest primitive element in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^m)`, i.e.
        `galois.primitive_element(2, m)`.
    systematic : bool, optional
        Optionally specify if the encoding should be systematic, meaning the codeword is the message with parity
        appended. The default is `True`.

    .. ipython:: python

        bch = galois.BCH(15, 7)
        m = galois.GF2.Random(bch.k); m
        c = bch.encode(m); c
        # Corrupt the first bit in the codeword
        c[0] ^= 1
        dec_m = bch.decode(c); dec_m
        np.array_equal(dec_m, m)

        # Instruct the decoder to return the number of corrected bit errors
        dec_m, N = bch.decode(c, errors=True); dec_m, N
        np.array_equal(dec_m, m)
    # pylint: disable=no-member

    def __new__(cls, n, k, primitive_poly=None, primitive_element=None, systematic=True):
        if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError(f"Argument `n` must be an integer, not {type(n)}.")
        if not isinstance(k, (int, np.integer)):
            raise TypeError(f"Argument `k` must be an integer, not {type(k)}.")
        if not isinstance(systematic, bool):
            raise TypeError(f"Argument `systematic` must be a bool, not {type(systematic)}.")
        if not isinstance(primitive_poly, (type(None), int, Poly)):
            raise TypeError(f"Argument `primitive_poly` must be None, an int, or galois.Poly, not {type(primitive_poly)}.")
        if not isinstance(primitive_element, (type(None), int, Poly)):
            raise TypeError(f"Argument `primitive_element` must be None, an int, or galois.Poly, not {type(primitive_element)}.")
        p, e = prime_factors(n + 1)
        if not (len(p) == 1 and p[0] == 2):
            raise ValueError(f"Argument `n` must have value 2^m - 1 for some positive m, not {n}.")
        m = e[0]

        obj = super().__new__(cls)

        if primitive_poly is None:
            primitive_poly = primitive_poly_(2, m, method="smallest")

        obj._field = Field(2**m, irreducible_poly=primitive_poly, primitive_element=primitive_element)
        alpha = obj.field.primitive_element

        obj._generator_poly, obj._roots, obj._t = _compute_generator_poly(n, k, primitive_poly=primitive_poly, primitive_element=int(alpha))
        obj._n = n
        obj._k = k
        obj._systematic = systematic

        obj._G = _convert_poly_to_matrix(n, k, obj.generator_poly, systematic)
        obj._H = np.power.outer(alpha**np.arange(1, 2*obj.t + 1), np.arange(n - 1, -1, -1))

        obj._is_primitive = True
        obj._is_narrow_sense = True

        return obj

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        # Pre-compile the arithmetic methods
        self._add_jit = self.field._calculate_jit("add")
        self._subtract_jit = self.field._calculate_jit("subtract")
        self._multiply_jit = self.field._calculate_jit("multiply")
        self._reciprocal_jit = self.field._calculate_jit("reciprocal")
        self._power_jit = self.field._calculate_jit("power")

        # Pre-compile the JIT functions
        self._berlekamp_massey_jit = self.field._function("berlekamp_massey")
        self._poly_roots_jit = self.field._function("poly_roots")
        self._poly_divmod_jit = GF2._function("poly_divmod")

        # Pre-compile the JIT decoder
        self._decode_jit = numba.jit(DECODE_CALCULATE_SIG.signature, nopython=True, cache=True)(decode_calculate)

    # Alternate constructors

    # @classmethod
    # def Primitive(cls, n, t, c=1, primitive_poly=None, alpha=None):
    #     if not isinstance(n, (int, np.integer)):
    #         raise TypeError(f"Argument `n` must be an integer, not {type(n)}.")
    #     if not isinstance(t, (int, np.integer)):
    #         raise TypeError(f"Argument `t` must be an integer, not {type(t)}.")
    #     if not isinstance(c, (int, np.integer)):
    #         raise TypeError(f"Argument `c` must be an integer, not {type(c)}.")

    #     m = int(math.ceil(math.log2(n)))
    #     if not n == 2**m - 1:
    #         raise ValueError(f"Argument `n` must have value 2^m - 1 for some positive m, not {n}.")
    #     if not c >= 1:
    #         raise ValueError(f"Argument `c` must be at least 1, not {c}.")

    #     obj = super().__new__(cls)

    #     if primitive_poly is None:
    #         primitive_poly = primitive_poly_(2, m, method="smallest")
    #     obj._field = Field(2**m, irreducible_poly=primitive_poly)
    #     if alpha is None:
    #         alpha = obj.field.primitive_element

    #     alpha**(c + np.arange(0, 2*t - 1))

    #     return obj

    def __str__(self):
        return f"<BCH Code: n={self.n}, k={self.k}>"

    def __repr__(self):
        return str(self)

[docs] def encode(self, message, parity_only=False): """ Encodes the message into a BCH codeword. Parameters ---------- message : np.ndarray, galois.FieldArray The message as either a :math:`k`-length vector or :math:`(N, k)` matrix, where :math:`N` is the number of messages. parity_only : bool, optional Optionally specify whether to return only the parity bits. This only applies to systematic codes. The default is `False`. Returns ------- np.ndarray, galois.FieldArray The codeword as either a :math:`n`-length vector or :math:`(N, n)` matrix. The return type matches the message type. If `parity_only=True`, the parity bits are either a :math:`n - k`-length vector or :math:`(N, n-k)` matrix. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python bch = galois.BCH(15, 7) m = galois.GF2.Random(bch.k); m c = bch.encode(m); c p = bch.encode(m, parity_only=True); p .. ipython:: python bch = galois.BCH(15, 7) m = galois.GF2.Random((5, bch.k)); m c = bch.encode(m); c p = bch.encode(m, parity_only=True); p """ if not isinstance(message, np.ndarray): raise TypeError(f"Argument `message` must be a subclass of np.ndarray (or a galois.GF2 array), not {type(message)}.") if parity_only and not self.systematic: raise ValueError("Argument `parity_only` only applies to systematic codes.") if not message.shape[-1] == self.k: raise ValueError(f"Argument `message` must be a 1-D or 2-D array with last dimension equal to {self.k}, not shape {message.shape}.") if parity_only: parity = message.view(GF2) @ self.G[:, self.k:] return parity.view(type(message)) elif self.systematic: # Seems faster to just matrix multiply than use hstack parity = message.view(GF2) @ self.G[:, self.k:] return np.hstack((message, parity)).view(type(message)) else: codeword = message.view(GF2) @ self.G return codeword.view(type(message))
[docs] def decode(self, codeword, errors=False): """ Decodes the BCH codeword into its message. Parameters ---------- codeword : np.ndarray, galois.FieldArray The codeword as either a :math:`n`-length vector or :math:`(N, n)` matrix, where :math:`N` is the number of codewords. errors : bool, optional Optionally specify whether to return the nubmer of corrected errors. Returns ------- np.ndarray, galois.FieldArray The decoded message as either a :math:`k`-length vector or :math:`(N, k)` matrix. int, np.ndarray Optional return argument of the number of corrected bit errors as either a scalar or :math:`n`-length vector. Valid number of corrections are in :math:`[0, t]`. If a codeword has too many errors and cannot be corrected, -1 will be returned. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python bch = galois.BCH(15, 7) m = galois.GF2.Random(bch.k); m c = bch.encode(m); c # Corrupt the first bit in the codeword c[0] ^= 1 dec_m = bch.decode(c); dec_m np.array_equal(dec_m, m) # Instruct the decoder to return the number of corrected bit errors dec_m, N = bch.decode(c, errors=True); dec_m, N np.array_equal(dec_m, m) .. ipython:: python bch = galois.BCH(15, 7) m = galois.GF2.Random((5, bch.k)); m c = bch.encode(m); c # Corrupt the first bit in the codeword c[:,0] ^= 1 dec_m = bch.decode(c); dec_m np.array_equal(dec_m, m) # Instruct the decoder to return the number of corrected bit errors dec_m, N = bch.decode(c, errors=True); dec_m, N np.array_equal(dec_m, m) """ # pylint: disable=protected-access codeword_1d = codeword.ndim == 1 dtype = codeword.dtype # Make codeword 2-D for array processing codeword = np.atleast_2d(codeword) # Compute the syndrome by matrix multiplying with the parity-check matrix syndrome = codeword.view(self.field) @ self.H.T if self.field.ufunc_mode != "python-calculate": dec_codeword = self._decode_jit(codeword.astype(np.int64), syndrome.astype(np.int64), self.t, int(self.field.primitive_element), self._add_jit, self._subtract_jit, self._multiply_jit, self._reciprocal_jit, self._power_jit, self._berlekamp_massey_jit, self._poly_roots_jit, self.field.characteristic,, self.field._irreducible_poly_int) N_errors = dec_codeword[:, -1] if self.systematic: message = dec_codeword[:, 0:self.k] else: message, _ = GF2._poly_divmod(dec_codeword[:, 0:self.n].view(GF2), self.generator_poly.coeffs) message = message.astype(dtype).view(type(codeword)) else: raise NotImplementedError("BCH codes haven't been implemented for extremely large Galois fields.") if codeword_1d: message, N_errors = message[0,:], N_errors[0] if not errors: return message else: return message, N_errors
@property def field(self): """ galois.FieldClass: The Galois field :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(2^m)` that defines the BCH code. """ return self._field @property def n(self): """ int: The codeword size :math:`n` of the :math:`\\textrm{BCH}(n, k)` code. """ return self._n @property def k(self): """ int: The message size :math:`k` of the :math:`\\textrm{BCH}(n, k)` code. """ return self._k @property def t(self): """ int: The error-correcting capability of the code. The code can correct :math:`t` bit errors in a codeword. """ return self._t @property def systematic(self): """ bool: Indicates if the code is configured to return codewords in systematic form. """ return self._systematic @property def generator_poly(self): """ galois.Poly: The generator polynomial :math:`g(x)` whose roots are :obj:`BCH.roots`. """ return self._generator_poly @property def roots(self): """ galois.FieldArray: The roots of the generator polynomial. These are consecutive powers of :math:`\\alpha`. """ return self._roots @property def G(self): """ galois.GF2: The generator matrix :math:`G` with shape :math:`(k, n)`. """ return self._G @property def H(self): """ galois.FieldArray: The parity-check matrix :math:`H` with shape :math:`(n-k, n)`. """ return self._H @property def is_primitive(self): """ bool: Indicates if the BCH code is primitive, meaning :math:`n = 2^m - 1`. """ return self._is_primitive @property def is_narrow_sense(self): """ bool: Indicates if the BCH code is narrow sense, meaning the roots of the generator polynomial are consecutive powers of :math:`\\alpha` starting at 1, i.e. :math:`\\alpha, \\alpha^2, \\dots, \\alpha^{2*t - 1}`. """ return self._is_narrow_sense ############################################################################### # JIT-compiled implementation of the specified functions ############################################################################### DECODE_CALCULATE_SIG = numba.types.FunctionType(int64[:,:](int64[:,:], int64[:,:], int64, int64, BINARY_CALCULATE_SIG, BINARY_CALCULATE_SIG, BINARY_CALCULATE_SIG, UNARY_CALCULATE_SIG, BINARY_CALCULATE_SIG, BERLEKAMP_MASSEY_CALCULATE_SIG, POLY_ROOTS_CALCULATE_SIG, int64, int64, int64)) def decode_calculate(codeword, syndrome, t, primitive_element, ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, RECIPROCAL, POWER, BERLEKAMP_MASSEY, POLY_ROOTS, CHARACTERISTIC, DEGREE, IRREDUCIBLE_POLY): # pragma: no cover args = CHARACTERISTIC, DEGREE, IRREDUCIBLE_POLY dtype = codeword.dtype N = codeword.shape[0] # The number of codewords n = codeword.shape[1] # The codeword size # The last column of the returned decoded codeword is the number of corrected errors dec_codeword = np.zeros((N, n + 1), dtype=dtype) dec_codeword[:, 0:n] = codeword[:,:] for i in range(N): if not np.all(syndrome[i,:] == 0): sigma = BERLEKAMP_MASSEY(syndrome[i,:], ADD, SUBTRACT, MULTIPLY, RECIPROCAL, *args) if sigma.size - 1 > t: dec_codeword[i, -1] = -1 continue # Compute the roots of s(x^-1) to get r^-1, such that s(r) = 0 degrees = np.arange(sigma.size - 1, -1, -1) results = POLY_ROOTS(degrees, sigma, primitive_element, ADD, MULTIPLY, POWER, *args) inv_roots = results[0,:] # The roots of s(x^-1) error_locations = results[1,:] # The roots as powers of the primitive element N_errors = inv_roots.size if inv_roots.size != sigma.size - 1: dec_codeword[i, -1] = -1 continue for j in range(N_errors): dec_codeword[i, error_locations[j] - 1] ^= 1 dec_codeword[i, -1] = N_errors # The number of corrected errors return dec_codeword