Source code for galois.field.meta_class

import inspect

import numpy as np

from ..overrides import set_module

from .meta_function import FunctionMeta
from .meta_ufunc import UfuncMeta
from .meta_properties import PropertiesMeta
from .poly_conversion import integer_to_poly, poly_to_str

__all__ = ["FieldClass"]

class FieldClass(UfuncMeta, FunctionMeta, PropertiesMeta):
    Defines a metaclass for all :obj:`galois.FieldArray` classes.

    This metaclass gives :obj:`galois.FieldArray` classes returned from :func:`galois.GF` class methods and properties
    relating to its Galois field.
    # pylint: disable=abstract-method,no-value-for-parameter,unsupported-membership-test

    def __new__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):  # pylint: disable=unused-argument
        return super().__new__(cls, name, bases, namespace)

    def __init__(cls, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs):
        cls._characteristic = kwargs.get("characteristic", None)
        cls._degree = kwargs.get("degree", None)
        cls._order = kwargs.get("order", None)
        cls._order_str = None
        cls._ufunc_mode = None
        cls._ufunc_target = None
        super().__init__(name, bases, namespace, **kwargs)

        if "irreducible_poly" in kwargs:
            cls._irreducible_poly = kwargs["irreducible_poly"]
            cls._irreducible_poly_int = cls._irreducible_poly.integer
            cls._irreducible_poly = None
            cls._irreducible_poly_int = 0
        cls._primitive_element = kwargs.get("primitive_element", None)

        cls._is_primitive_poly = kwargs.get("is_primitive_poly", None)
        cls._prime_subfield = None

        cls._display_mode = "int"

        if == 1:
            cls._order_str = "order={}".format(cls.order)
            cls._order_str = "order={}^{}".format(cls.characteristic,

    def __str__(cls):
        return f"<class 'numpy.ndarray over {}'>"

    def __repr__(cls):
        return str(cls)

    def __dir__(cls):
        if isinstance(cls, FieldClass):
            meta_dir = dir(type(cls))
            classmethods = [attribute for attribute in super().__dir__() if attribute[0] != "_" and inspect.ismethod(getattr(cls, attribute))]
            return sorted(meta_dir + classmethods)
            return super().__dir__()

    # Class methods

[docs] def compile(cls, mode): """ Recompile the just-in-time compiled numba ufuncs for a new calculation mode. Parameters ---------- mode : str The method of field computation, either `"jit-lookup"`, `"jit-calculate"`, `"python-calculate"`. The "jit-lookup" mode will use Zech log, log, and anti-log lookup tables for speed. The "jit-calculate" mode will not store any lookup tables, but perform field arithmetic on the fly. The "jit-calculate" mode is designed for large fields that cannot store lookup tables in RAM. Generally, "jit-calculate" is slower than "jit-lookup". The "python-calculate" mode is reserved for extremely large fields. In this mode the ufuncs are not JIT-compiled, but are pur python functions operating on python ints. The list of valid modes for this field is in :obj:`galois.FieldClass.ufunc_modes`. """ mode = cls.default_ufunc_mode if mode == "auto" else mode if mode not in cls.ufunc_modes: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in {cls.ufunc_modes} for {}, not {mode}.") if mode == cls.ufunc_mode: # Don't need to rebuild these ufuncs return cls._ufunc_mode = mode cls._compile_ufuncs()
[docs] def display(cls, mode="int"): """ Sets the display mode for all Galois field arrays of this type. The display mode can be set to either the integer representation, polynomial representation, or power representation. This function updates :obj:`display_mode`. For the power representation, :func:`np.log` is computed on each element. So for large fields without lookup tables, this may take longer than desired. Parameters ---------- mode : str, optional The field element display mode, either `"int"` (default), `"poly"`, or `"power"`. Examples -------- Change the display mode by calling the :func:`display` method. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) a = GF.Random(); a # Change the display mode going forward GF.display("poly"); a GF.display("power"); a # Reset to the default display mode GF.display(); a The :func:`display` method can also be used as a context manager, as shown below. For the polynomial representation, when the primitive element is :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]` the polynomial indeterminate used is `α`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) But when the primitive element is not :math:`x \\in \\mathrm{GF}(p)[x]`, the polynomial indeterminate used is `x`. .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**8, irreducible_poly=galois.Poly.Degrees([8,4,3,1,0])) print( a = GF.Random(); a with GF.display("poly"): print(a) with GF.display("power"): print(a) """ if mode not in ["int", "poly", "power"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in ['int', 'poly', 'power'], not {mode}.") context = DisplayContext(cls) # Set the new state cls._display_mode = mode return context
[docs] def repr_table(cls, primitive_element=None): """ Generates an element representation table comparing the power, polynomial, vector, and integer representations. Parameters ---------- primitive_element : galois.FieldArray, optional The primitive element to use for the power representation. The default is `None` which uses the field's default primitive element, :obj:`galois.FieldClass.primitive_element`. Returns ------- str A UTF-8 formatted table comparing the power, polynomial, vector, and integer representations of each field element. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(2**4) print(GF.repr_table()) .. ipython:: python alpha = GF.primitive_elements[-1] print(GF.repr_table(alpha)) """ if primitive_element is None: primitive_element = cls.primitive_element degrees = np.arange(0, cls.order - 1) x = np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(cls(0)), primitive_element**degrees)) prim = cls._print_poly(primitive_element) N_power = max(len("({})^{}".format(prim, str(cls.order - 1))), len("Power")) + 2 N_poly = max([len(cls._print_poly(e)) for e in x] + [len("Polynomial")]) + 2 N_vec = max([len(str(integer_to_poly(e, cls.characteristic, for e in x] + [len("Vector")]) + 2 N_int = max([len(cls._print_int(e)) for e in x] + [len("Integer")]) + 2 string = "╔" + "═"*N_power + "╦" + "═"*N_poly + "╦" + "═"*N_vec + "╦" + "═"*N_int + "╗" labels = "║" + "Power".center(N_power) + "│" + "Polynomial".center(N_poly) + "│" + "Vector".center(N_vec) + "│" + "Integer".center(N_int) + "║" string += "\n" + labels divider = "║" + "═"*N_power + "╬" + "═"*N_poly + "╬" + "═"*N_vec + "╬" + "═"*N_int + "║" string += "\n" + divider for i in range(x.size): if i == 0: power = "0" else: power = "({})^{}".format(prim, degrees[i - 1]) if len(prim) > 1 else "{}^{}".format(prim, degrees[i - 1]) line = "║" + + "│" + cls._print_poly(x[i]).center(N_poly) + "│" + str(integer_to_poly(x[i], cls.characteristic, + "│" + cls._print_int(x[i]).center(N_int) + "║" string += "\n" + line if i < x.size - 1: divider = "╟" + "─"*N_power + "┼" + "─"*N_poly + "┼" + "─"*N_vec + "┼" + "─"*N_int + "╢" string += "\n" + divider bottom = "╚" + "═"*N_power + "╩" + "═"*N_poly + "╩"+ "═"*N_vec + "╩" + "═"*N_int + "╝" string += "\n" + bottom return string
[docs] def arithmetic_table(cls, operation, mode="int"): """ Generates the specified arithmetic table for the Galois field. Parameters ---------- operation : str Either `"+"`, `"-"`, `"*"`, or `"/"`. mode : str, optional The display mode to represent the field elements, either `"int"` (default), `"poly"`, or `"power"`. Returns ------- str A UTF-8 formatted arithmetic table. Examples -------- .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(3**2) print(GF.arithmetic_table("+")) .. ipython:: python GF = galois.GF(3**2) print(GF.arithmetic_table("+", mode="poly")) """ # pylint: disable=too-many-branches if not operation in ["+", "-", "*", "/"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `operation` must be in ['+', '-', '*', '/'], not {operation}.") if mode not in ["int", "poly", "power"]: raise ValueError(f"Argument `mode` must be in ['int', 'poly', 'power'], not {mode}.") x = cls.Elements() if mode != "power" else np.concatenate((np.atleast_1d(cls(0)), cls.primitive_element**np.arange(0, cls.order - 1))) y = x if operation != "/" else x[1:] X, Y = np.meshgrid(x, y, indexing="ij") if operation == "+": Z = X + Y elif operation == "-": Z = X - Y elif operation == "*": Z = X * Y else: Z = X / Y if mode == "int": print_element = cls._print_int elif mode == "poly": print_element = cls._print_poly else: cls._set_print_power_vars(x) print_element = cls._print_power operation_str = f"x {operation} y" N = max([len(print_element(e)) for e in x]) + 2 N_left = max(N, len(operation_str) + 2) string = "╔" + "═"*N_left + ("╦" + "═"*N)*y.size + "╗" line = "║" + operation_str.rjust(N_left - 1) + " ║" for j in range(y.size): line += print_element(y[j]).center(N) line += "│" if j < y.size - 1 else "║" string += "\n" + line divider = "╠" + "═"*N_left + ("╬" + "═"*N)*y.size + "╣" string += "\n" + divider for i in range(x.size): line = "║" + print_element(x[i]).rjust(N_left - 1) + " ║" for j in range(y.size): line += print_element(Z[i,j]).center(N) line += "│" if j < y.size - 1 else "║" string += "\n" + line if i < x.size - 1: divider = "╟" + "─"*N_left + "╫" + ("─"*N + "┼")*(y.size - 1) + "─"*N + "╢" string += "\n" + divider bottom = "╚" + "═"*N_left + ("╩" + "═"*N)*y.size + "╝" string += "\n" + bottom return string
############################################################################### # Array display methods ############################################################################### def _formatter(cls, array): # pylint: disable=attribute-defined-outside-init formatter = {} if cls.display_mode == "poly": formatter["int"] = cls._print_poly formatter["object"] = cls._print_poly elif cls.display_mode == "power": cls._set_print_power_vars(array) formatter["int"] = cls._print_power formatter["object"] = cls._print_power elif array.dtype == np.object_: formatter["object"] = cls._print_int return formatter def _print_int(cls, element): # pylint: disable=no-self-use return "{:d}".format(int(element)) def _print_poly(cls, element): poly = integer_to_poly(element, cls.characteristic) poly_var = "α" if cls.primitive_element == cls.characteristic else "x" return poly_to_str(poly, poly_var=poly_var) def _set_print_power_vars(cls, array): nonzero_idxs = np.nonzero(array) if array.ndim > 1: max_power = np.max(cls._ufunc("log")(array[nonzero_idxs], cls.primitive_element)) if max_power > 1: cls._display_power_width = 2 + len(str(max_power)) else: cls._display_power_width = 1 else: cls._display_power_width = None def _print_power(cls, element): if element == 0: s = "0" else: power = cls._ufunc("log")(element, cls.primitive_element) if power > 1: s = f"α^{power}" elif power == 1: s = "α" else: s = "1" if cls._display_power_width: return s.rjust(cls._display_power_width) else: return s class DisplayContext: """ Simple context manager for the :obj:`FieldArrayMeta.display` method. """ def __init__(self, cls): # Save the previous state self.cls = cls self.mode = cls.display_mode def __enter__(self): # Don't need to do anything, we already set the new mode in the display() method pass def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, traceback): # Reset mode and upon exiting the context self.cls._display_mode = self.mode