Number Theory

This section contains functions for performing modular arithmetic and other number theoretic routines.


gcd(a, b)

Finds the greatest common divisor of the integers \(a\) and \(b\).

egcd(a, b)

Finds the integer multiplicands of \(a\) and \(b\) such that \(a x + b y = \mathrm{gcd}(a, b)\).


Computes the least common multiple of the integer arguments.


Counts the positive integers (totatives) in \([1, n]\) that are coprime to \(n\).


Returns the positive integers (totatives) in \([1, n]\) that are coprime to \(n\).


Determines if the integer arguments are pairwise coprime.


pow(base, exponent, modulus)

Efficiently exponentiates an integer \(a^k\ \textrm{mod}\ m\).

crt(remainders, moduli)

Solves the simultaneous system of congruences for \(x\).

primitive_root(n[, start, stop, reverse])

Finds the smallest primitive root modulo \(n\).

primitive_roots(n[, start, stop, reverse])

Finds all primitive roots modulo \(n\).


Finds the smallest positive integer \(m\) such that \(a^m \equiv 1\ (\textrm{mod}\ n)\) for every integer \(a\) in \([1, n]\) that is coprime to \(n\).

legendre_symbol(a, p)

Computes the Legendre symbol \((\frac{a}{p})\).

jacobi_symbol(a, n)

Computes the Jacobi symbol \((\frac{a}{n})\).

kronecker_symbol(a, n)

Computes the Kronecker symbol \((\frac{a}{n})\).

is_primitive_root(g, n)

Determines if \(g\) is a primitive root modulo \(n\).


Determines whether the multiplicative group \((\mathbb{Z}/n\mathbb{Z}){^\times}\) is cyclic.

Integer arithmetic


Computes \(x = \lfloor\sqrt{n}\rfloor\) such that \(x^2 \le n < (x + 1)^2\).

iroot(n, k)

Computes \(x = \lfloor n^{\frac{1}{k}} \rfloor\) such that \(x^k \le n < (x + 1)^k\).

ilog(n, b)

Computes \(x = \lfloor\textrm{log}_b(n)\rfloor\) such that \(b^x \le n < b^{x + 1}\).