
  • Supports all Galois fields \(\mathrm{GF}(p^m)\), even arbitrarily-large fields!

  • Faster than native NumPy! GF(x) * GF(y) is faster than (x * y) % p for \(\mathrm{GF}(p)\)

  • Seamless integration with NumPy – normal NumPy functions work on Galois field arrays

  • Linear algebra on Galois field matrices using normal np.linalg functions

  • Functions to generate irreducible, primitive, and Conway polynomials

  • Polynomials over Galois fields with galois.Poly

  • Forward error correction codes with galois.BCH and galois.ReedSolomon

  • Linear transforms over finite fields, such as the NTT with galois.ntt() and galois.intt()

  • Fibonacci and Galois linear feedback shift registers with galois.LFSR, both binary and p-ary

  • Various number theoretic functions

  • Integer factorization and accompanying algorithms

  • Prime number generation and primality testing