

A Union representing objects that can be coerced into a NumPy data type.


In [1]: GF = galois.GF(3**5)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype=np.uint16); x.dtype
Out[2]: dtype('uint16')

In [3]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype=np.int32); x.dtype
Out[3]: dtype('int32')
  • int: The system default integer.

In [4]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype=int); x.dtype
Out[4]: dtype('int64')
In [5]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype="uint16"); x.dtype
Out[5]: dtype('uint16')

In [6]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype="int32"); x.dtype
Out[6]: dtype('int32')
  • object: A Python object data type. This applies to non-compiled fields.

In [7]: GF = galois.GF(2**100)

In [8]: x = GF.Random(4, dtype=object); x.dtype
Out[8]: dtype('O')


alias of Union[integer, int, str, object]

Last update: Apr 22, 2022