Source code for galois

A Python 3 numpy extension for Galois fields.
from .version import __version__

from .algorithm import prev_prime, next_prime, factors, prime_factors, is_prime, euclidean_algorithm, extended_euclidean_algorithm, \
                       chinese_remainder_theorem, euler_totient, carmichael, modular_exp, primitive_roots, \
from .gf2 import GF2
from .gfp import GFp, GFp_factory
from .poly import Poly

# Define the GF2 primitve polynomial here, not in, to avoid a circular dependency.
# The primitive polynomial is p(x) = x - alpha, where alpha=1. Over GF2, this is equivalent
# to p(x) = x + 1
GF2.prim_poly = min_poly(GF2.alpha, GF2, 1)

[docs]def GF_factory(p, m, prim_poly=None, rebuild=False): # pylint: disable=redefined-outer-name """ Factory function to construct Galois field array classes of type GF(p^m). If `p = 2` and `m = 1`, this function will return `galois.GF2`. If `p = 2` and `m > 1`, this function will invoke `galois.GF2m_factory()`. If `p is prime` and `m = 1`, this function will invoke `galois.GFp_factory()`. If `p is prime` and `m > 1`, this function will invoke `galois.GFpm_factory()`. Parameters ---------- p : int The prime characteristic of the field GF(p^m). m : int The degree of the prime of the field GF(p^m). prim_poly : galois.Poly, optional The primitive polynomial of the field. Default is `None` which will auto-determine the primitive polynomial. rebuild : bool, optional A flag to force a rebuild of the class and its lookup tables. Default is `False` which will return the cached, previously-built class if it exists. Returns ------- galois.GF2 or galois.GFp A new Galois field class that is a sublcass of `galois._GF`. """ assert m >= 1 if p == 2 and m == 1: assert prim_poly is None or prim_poly == GF2.prim_poly cls = GF2 # elif p == 2: # cls = GF2m_factory(m, rebuild=rebuild) else: cls = GFp_factory(p, rebuild=rebuild) return cls