Source code for galois.gf2

import numba

from .gf import GFBase, DTYPES


[docs]class GF2(GFBase): """ asdf Examples -------- GF2 class properties .. ipython:: python print(galois.GF2) galois.GF2.characteristic galois.GF2.power galois.GF2.order galois.GF2.prim_poly Construct arrays in GF2 .. ipython:: python a = galois.GF2([1,0,1,1]); a b = galois.GF2([1,1,1,1]); b Arithmetic with GF2 arrays .. ipython:: python # Element-wise addition a + b # Element-wise subtraction a - b # Element-wise multiplication a * b # Element-wise division a / b """ characteristic = 2 power = 1 order = 2 prim_poly = None # Will set this in alpha = 1 dtypes = DTYPES
[docs] @classmethod def target(cls, target): """ Retarget the just-in-time compiled numba ufuncs. Parameters ---------- target : str Either "cpu", "parallel", or "cuda". """ if target not in ["cpu", "parallel", "cuda"]: raise ValueError(f"Valid numba compilation targets are ['cpu', 'parallel', 'cuda'], not {target}") global CHARACTERISTIC # pylint: disable=global-statement CHARACTERISTIC = cls.characteristic kwargs = {"nopython": True, "target": target} if target == "cuda": kwargs.pop("nopython") # Create numba JIT-compiled ufuncs using the *current* EXP, LOG, and MUL_INV lookup tables cls._numba_ufunc_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_add) cls._numba_ufunc_subtract = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_subtract) cls._numba_ufunc_multiply = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_multiply) cls._numba_ufunc_divide = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_divide) cls._numba_ufunc_negative = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(_negative) cls._numba_ufunc_multiple_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_multiple_add) cls._numba_ufunc_power = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(_power) cls._numba_ufunc_log = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(_log) cls._numba_ufunc_poly_eval = numba.guvectorize([(numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:])], "(n),(m)->(m)", **kwargs)(_poly_eval)
def _add(a, b): return a ^ b def _subtract(a, b): return a ^ b def _multiply(a, b): return a & b def _divide(a, b): return a & b def _negative(a): return a def _multiple_add(a, b): b = b % CHARACTERISTIC return a & b def _power(a, b): if b == 0: return 1 elif a == 0: return 0 else: return a def _log(a): # pylint: disable=unused-argument return 0 def _poly_eval(coeffs, values, results): def _add(a, b): return a ^ b def _multiply(a, b): return a & b for i in range(values.size): results[i] = coeffs[0] for j in range(1, coeffs.size): results[i] = _add(coeffs[j], _multiply(results[i], values[i]))