Source code for galois.gfp

import numba
import numpy as np

from .algorithm import extended_euclidean_algorithm
from .gf import GFBase, GFArray

# Field attribute globals
CHARACTERISTIC = None  # The prime characteristic `p` of the Galois field
ORDER = None  # The field's order `p^m`
ALPHA = None  # The field's primitive element

# Placeholder functions to be replaced by JIT-compiled function
ADD_JIT = lambda x, y: x + y
MULTIPLY_JIT = lambda x, y: x * y

[docs]class GFp(GFBase, GFArray): """ An abstract base class for all :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` field array classes. Parameters ---------- array : array_like The input array to be converted to a Galois field array. The input array is copied, so the original array is unmodified by changes to the Galois field array. Valid input array types are :obj:`numpy.ndarray`, :obj:`list`, :obj:`tuple`, or :obj:`int`. dtype : numpy.dtype, optional The :obj:`numpy.dtype` of the array elements. The default is :obj:`numpy.int64`. Returns ------- galois.GFp The copied input array as a :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` field array. Note ---- This is an abstract base class for all :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` fields. It cannot be instantiated directly. :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(p)` field classes are created using :obj:`galois.GF_factory`. """ def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): if cls is GFp: raise NotImplementedError("GFp is an abstract base class that cannot be directly instantiated") return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) @classmethod def _build_luts(cls): dtype = np.int64 if cls.order > np.iinfo(dtype).max: raise ValueError(f"Cannot build lookup tables for GF(p) class with order {cls.order} since the elements cannot be represented with dtype {dtype}") cls._EXP = np.zeros(2*cls.order, dtype=dtype) cls._LOG = np.zeros(cls.order, dtype=dtype) cls._ZECH_LOG = np.zeros(cls.order, dtype=dtype) cls._EXP[0] = 1 cls._LOG[0] = 0 # Technically -Inf for i in range(1, cls.order): # Increment the anti-log lookup table by multiplying by the primitive element alpha, which is # the "multiplicative generator" cls._EXP[i] = cls._EXP[i-1] * cls.alpha if cls._EXP[i] >= cls.order: cls._EXP[i] = cls._EXP[i] % cls.order # Assign to the log lookup but skip indices greater than or equal to `order-1` # because `EXP[0] == EXP[order-1]`` if i < cls.order - 1: cls._LOG[cls._EXP[i]] = i # Compute Zech log lookup table for i in range(0, cls.order): a_i = cls._EXP[i] # alpha^i cls._ZECH_LOG[i] = cls._LOG[(1 + a_i) % cls.order] # Addition in GF(p) assert cls._EXP[cls.order-1] == 1, f"Primitive element `alpha = {cls.alpha}` does not have multiplicative order `order - 1 = {cls.order-1}` and therefore isn't a multiplicative generator for GF({cls.order})" assert len(set(cls._EXP[0:cls.order-1])) == cls.order - 1, "The anti-log lookup table is not unique" assert len(set(cls._LOG[1:cls.order])) == cls.order - 1, "The log lookup table is not unique" # Double the EXP table to prevent computing a `% (order - 1)` on every multiplication lookup cls._EXP[cls.order:2*cls.order] = cls._EXP[1:1 + cls.order]
[docs] @classmethod def target(cls, target, mode, rebuild=False): """ Retarget the just-in-time compiled numba ufuncs. Parameters ---------- target : str The `target` keyword argument from :obj:`numba.vectorize`, either `"cpu"`, `"parallel"`, or `"cuda"`. mode : str The type of field computation, either `"lookup"` or `"calculate"`. The "lookup" mode will use Zech log, log, and anti-log lookup tables for speed. The "calculate" mode will not store any lookup tables, but perform field arithmetic on the fly. The "calculate" mode is designed for large fields that cannot store lookup tables in RAM. Generally, "calculate" will be slower than "lookup". rebuild : bool, optional Indicates whether to force a rebuild of the lookup tables. The default is `False`. """ global CHARACTERISTIC, ORDER, ALPHA, ADD_JIT, MULTIPLY_JIT, MULTIPLICATIVE_INVERSE_JIT # pylint: disable=global-statement CHARACTERISTIC = cls.characteristic ORDER = cls.order ALPHA = int(cls.alpha) # Convert from field element to integer if target not in ["cpu", "parallel", "cuda"]: raise ValueError(f"Valid numba compilation targets are ['cpu', 'parallel', 'cuda'], not {target}") if mode not in ["lookup", "calculate"]: raise ValueError(f"Valid GF(p) field calculation modes are ['lookup', 'calculate'], not {mode}") if not isinstance(rebuild, bool): raise TypeError(f"The 'rebuild' argument must be a bool, not {type(rebuild)}") kwargs = {"nopython": True, "target": target} if target == "cuda": kwargs.pop("nopython") cls.ufunc_mode = mode cls.ufunc_target = target if mode == "lookup": # Build the lookup tables if they don't exist or a rebuild is requested if cls._EXP is None or rebuild: cls._build_luts() # Compile ufuncs using standard EXP, LOG, and ZECH_LOG implementation cls._compile_lookup_ufuncs(target) else: # JIT-compile add and multiply routines for reference in polynomial evaluation routine ADD_JIT = numba.jit("int64(int64, int64)", nopython=True)(add_calculate) MULTIPLY_JIT = numba.jit("int64(int64, int64)", nopython=True)(multiply_calculate) MULTIPLICATIVE_INVERSE_JIT = numba.jit("int64(int64)", nopython=True)(multiplicative_inverse_calculate) # Create numba JIT-compiled ufuncs cls._numba_ufunc_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(add_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_subtract = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(subtract_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_multiply = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(multiply_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_divide = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(divide_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_negative = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(additive_inverse_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_multiple_add = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(multiple_add_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_power = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], **kwargs)(power_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_log = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], **kwargs)(log_calculate) cls._numba_ufunc_poly_eval = numba.guvectorize([(numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:], numba.int64[:])], "(n),(m)->(m)", **kwargs)(poly_eval_calculate)
############################################################################### # Galois field arithmetic, explicitly calculated wihtout lookup tables ############################################################################### def add_calculate(a, b): return (a + b) % ORDER def subtract_calculate(a, b): return (a - b) % ORDER def multiply_calculate(a, b): return (a * b) % ORDER def divide_calculate(a, b): if a == 0 or b == 0: # NOTE: The b == 0 condition will be caught outside of the ufunc and raise ZeroDivisonError return 0 b_inv = MULTIPLICATIVE_INVERSE_JIT(b) return MULTIPLY_JIT(a, b_inv) def additive_inverse_calculate(a): return (-a) % ORDER def multiplicative_inverse_calculate(a): a_inv = extended_euclidean_algorithm(a, ORDER)[0] return a_inv % ORDER def multiple_add_calculate(a, multiple): return (a * multiple) % ORDER def power_calculate(a, power): """ Square and Multiply Algorithm a^13 = (1) * (a)^13 = (a) * (a)^12 = (a) * (a^2)^6 = (a) * (a^4)^3 = (a * a^4) * (a^4)^2 = (a * a^4) * (a^8) = result_m * result_s """ # NOTE: The a == 0 and b < 0 condition will be caught outside of the the ufunc and raise ZeroDivisonError if power == 0: return 1 elif power < 0: a = MULTIPLICATIVE_INVERSE_JIT(a) power = abs(power) result_s = a # The "squaring" part result_m = 1 # The "multiplicative" part while power > 1: if power % 2 == 0: result_s = MULTIPLY_JIT(result_s, result_s) power //= 2 else: result_m = MULTIPLY_JIT(result_m, result_s) power -= 1 result = MULTIPLY_JIT(result_m, result_s) return result def log_calculate(beta): """ TODO: Replace this with more efficient algorithm alpha in GF(p^m) and generates field beta in GF(p^m) gamma = log_alpha(beta), such that: alpha^gamma = beta """ # Naive algorithm result = 1 for i in range(0, ORDER-1): if result == beta: break result = MULTIPLY_JIT(result, ALPHA) return i def poly_eval_calculate(coeffs, values, results): for i in range(values.size): results[i] = coeffs[0] for j in range(1, coeffs.size): results[i] = ADD_JIT(coeffs[j], MULTIPLY_JIT(results[i], values[i]))