property galois.Poly.field : Type[Array]

The Array subclass for the finite field the coefficients are over.


In [1]: a = galois.Poly.Random(5); a
Out[1]: Poly(x^5 + x^4 + x^2 + x + 1, GF(2))

In [2]: a.field
Out[2]: <class 'galois.GF(2)'>
In [3]: GF = galois.GF(2**8)

In [4]: b = galois.Poly.Random(5, field=GF); b
Out[4]: Poly(98x^5 + 159x^4 + 187x^3 + 243x^2 + 241x + 88, GF(2^8))

In [5]: b.field
Out[5]: <class 'galois.GF(2^8)'>

Last update: Sep 02, 2022