
Released April 22, 2022

Breaking changes

  • Sunsetted support for Python 3.6. This was necessary to support forward references with from __future__ import annotations (available in Python 3.7+). That import is required to support the type aliases in the new galois.typing subpackage. (#339)

  • Removed the FieldClass metaclass from the public API. It was previously included due to an inability of Sphinx to document class properties. In this release, we monkey patched Sphinx to document all classmethods, class properties, and instance methods in FieldArray itself. (#343)

    • Use issubclass(GF, galois.FieldArray) anywhere isinstance(GF, galois.FieldClass) was previously used.

    • Annotate with Type[galois.FieldArray] anywhere galois.FieldClass was previously used.


  • Added the galois.typing subpackage, similar to np.typing. It contains type hints for common coercible data types used throughout the library, including ElementLike, ArrayLike, and PolyLike. With these type hints, the annotations are simpler and more clear. (#339)

  • Modified functions to accept coercible data types wherever possible. For example, functions now accept PolyLike objects instead of strictly Poly instances. (#339)

  • Added Array which is an abstract base class of FieldArray (and RingArray in a future release). (#336)

  • Added support for the DFT over any finite field using np.fft.fft() and np.fft.ifft(). (#335)

    >>> x
    GF([127, 191,  69,  35, 221, 242, 193, 108,  72, 102,  80, 163,  13,  74,
        218, 159, 207,  12, 159, 129,  92,  71], order=3^5)
    >>> X = np.fft.fft(x); X
    GF([ 16,  17,  20, 137,  58, 166, 178,  52,  19, 109, 115,  93,  99, 214,
        187, 235, 195,  96, 232,  45, 241,  24], order=3^5)
    >>> np.fft.ifft(X)
    GF([127, 191,  69,  35, 221, 242, 193, 108,  72, 102,  80, 163,  13,  74,
        218, 159, 207,  12, 159, 129,  92,  71], order=3^5)
  • Implemented the Cooley-Tukey radix-2 \(O(N\ \textrm{log}(N))\) algorithm for the NTT and JIT compiled it. (#333)

    In [2]: x = list(range(1, 1024 + 1))
    # v0.0.26
    In [4]: %timeit X = galois.ntt(x)
    5.2 ms ± 121 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 100 loops each)
    # v0.0.27
    In [4]: %timeit X = galois.ntt(x)
    695 µs ± 4.56 µs per loop (mean ± std. dev. of 7 runs, 1,000 loops each)
  • Added the FieldArray.primitive_root_of_unity() classmethod. (#333)

    >>> GF = galois.GF(3**5)
    >>> GF.primitive_root_of_unity(22)
    GF(39, order=3^5)
  • Added the FieldArray.primitive_roots_of_unity() classmethod. (#333)

    >>> GF = galois.GF(3**5)
    >>> GF.primitive_roots_of_unity(22)
    GF([ 14,  39,  44,  59, 109, 114, 136, 200, 206, 226], order=3^5)
  • Made 0-th degree coefficients more differentiated when using the polynomial element representation. (#328)

    # v0.0.26
    >>> print(f)
    (α^2 + α + 1)x^4 + (α^3)x + α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 2
    # v0.0.27
    >>> print(f)
    (α^2 + α + 1)x^4 + (α^3)x + (α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 2)
  • Restructured code base for clarity. (#336)

  • Fixed display of overloaded functions in API reference. (#337)

  • Fixed broken “References” sections in API reference. (#281)

  • Fixed other small bugs.


Last update: Jul 28, 2022