
Released March 21, 2022

Breaking changes

  • Separated LFSR into FLFSR/GLFSR and fixed/redefined terms (feedback poly, characteristic poly, state). (#285)

  • Removed galois.pow() and replaced it with the built-in pow(). (#300)

    >>> f = galois.Poly([6, 3, 0, 1], field=galois.GF(7))
    >>> g = galois.Poly([5, 0, 3], field=galois.GF(7))
    >>> pow(f, 123456789, g)
    Poly(6x + 2, GF(7))
  • Removed FieldClass.properties and replaced with FieldClass.__str__. (#289)

    >>> GF = galois.GF(3**5)
    >>> print(GF)
    Galois Field:
      name: GF(3^5)
      characteristic: 3
      degree: 5
      order: 243
      irreducible_poly: x^5 + 2x + 1
      is_primitive_poly: True
      primitive_element: x
  • Differentiated repr() and str() for Galois field arrays, like NumPy. repr() displays the finite field’s order, but str() does not.

    >>> GF = galois.GF(31, display="power")
    >>> x = GF([1, 23, 0, 15])
    >>> x
    GF([   1, α^27,    0, α^21], order=31)
    >>> print(x)
    [   1, α^27,    0, α^21]
  • Renamed Poly.String() to Poly.Str(). Removed Poly.string and replaced it with Poly.__str__. (#300)

    >>> f = galois.Poly.Str("x^3 + x + 1"); f
    Poly(x^3 + x + 1, GF(2))
    >>> str(f)
    'x^3 + x + 1'
  • Renamed Poly.Integer() to Poly.Int(). Removed Poly.integer and replaced it with Poly.__int__. (#300)

    >>> f = galois.Poly.Int(11); f
    Poly(x^3 + x + 1, GF(2))
    >>> int(f)


  • Fixed bug in Fibonacci/Galois LFSRs where feedback polynomial wasn’t interpreted correctly for fields with characteristic greater than 2. (#299)

  • Utilized memoization for expensive search routines (irreducible_poly() and primitive_poly()) to speed-up subsequent calls. (#295)

    In [2]: %time galois.primitive_poly(7, 4)
    CPU times: user 675 ms, sys: 6.24 ms, total: 682 ms
    Wall time: 741 ms
    Out[2]: Poly(x^4 + x^2 + 3x + 5, GF(7))
    In [3]: %time galois.primitive_poly(7, 4)
    CPU times: user 30 µs, sys: 0 ns, total: 30 µs
    Wall time: 31.7 µs
    Out[3]: Poly(x^4 + x^2 + 3x + 5, GF(7))
  • Added support for bin(), oct(), and hex() on Poly objects. (#300)

    >>> f = galois.Poly.Int(11); f
    Poly(x^3 + x + 1, GF(2))
    >>> bin(f)
    >>> oct(f)
    >>> hex(f)
  • Made Galois field arrays display with fixed-width elements, like NumPy. (#270)

  • Achieved speed-up of repr() and str() on Galois field arrays of at least 25x. Achieved a much greater speed-up for large arrays, since now elements converted to ... are no longer needlessly converted to their string representation. (#270)

  • Overhauled documentation and website. Type hints are now displayed in the API reference. (#263)

  • Various bug fixes.
