Source code for galois.poly

import numpy as np

from .conversion import decimal_to_poly, poly_to_decimal, poly_to_str
from .gf import GF
from .gf2 import GF2

[docs]class Poly: """ A polynomial class with coefficients in any Galois field. Parameters ---------- coeffs : array_like List of polynomial coefficients of type Galois field array, `np.ndarray`, list, or tuple. The first element is the highest-degree element if `order="desc"` or the first element is the 0-th degree element if `order="asc"`. field : galois.GF, optional Optionally specify the field to which the coefficients belong. The default field is `galois.GF2`. If `coeffs` is a Galois field array, then that field is used and the `field` parameter is ignored. order : str, optional The interpretation of the coefficient degrees, either `"desc"` (default) or `"asc"`. For `"desc"`, the first element of `coeffs` is the highest degree coefficient (`x^(N-1)`) and the last element is the 0-th degree element (`x^0`). Examples -------- Create polynomials over GF(2) .. ipython:: python # Construct a polynominal over GF(2) a = galois.Poly([1,0,1,1]); a # Construct the same polynomial by only specifying its non-zero coefficients b = galois.Poly.NonZero([1,1,1], [3,1,0]); b Create polynomials over GF(7) .. ipython:: python # Construct the GF(7) field GF = galois.GF_factory(7, 1) # Construct a polynominal over GF(7) galois.Poly([4,0,3,0,0,2], field=GF) # Construct the same polynomial by only specifying its non-zero coefficients galois.Poly.NonZero([4,3,2], [5,3,0], field=GF) Polynomial arithmetic .. ipython:: python a = galois.Poly([1,0,6,3], field=GF); a b = galois.Poly([2,0,2], field=GF); b a + b a - b # Compute the quotient of the polynomial division a / b # True division and floor division are equivalent a / b == a // b # Compute the remainder of the polynomial division a % b """ def __init__(self, coeffs, field=None, order="desc"): if not (field is None or issubclass(field, GF)): raise TypeError(f"The Galois field `field` must be a subclass of GF, not {field}") self.order = order if isinstance(coeffs, GF) and field is None: self.coeffs = coeffs else: field = GF2 if field is None else field # Convert list or np.ndarray of integers into the specified `field`. Apply negation # operator to any negative integers. For instance, `coeffs=[1, -1]` represents # `x - 1` in GF2. However, the `-1` element does not exist in GF2, but the operation # `-1` (the additive inverse of the `1` element) does exist. c = np.array(coeffs, dtype=field.dtypes[-1]) c = np.atleast_1d(c) assert c.ndim == 1, "Polynomials must only have one dimension" assert np.all(np.abs(c) < field.order) neg_idxs = np.where(c < 0) c = np.abs(c) c = field(c) c[neg_idxs] *= -1 self.coeffs = c
[docs] @classmethod def NonZero(cls, coeffs, degrees, field=GF2): """ Examples -------- .. ipython:: python # Construct a polynomial over GF2 only specifying the non-zero terms a = galois.Poly.NonZero([1,1,1], [3,1,0]); a """ assert len(coeffs) == len(degrees) degrees = np.array(degrees) assert np.issubdtype(degrees.dtype, np.integer) and np.all(degrees >= 0) degree = np.max(degrees) # The degree of the polynomial all_coeffs = np.zeros(degree + 1, dtype=np.int64) all_coeffs[degree - degrees] = coeffs return cls(all_coeffs, field=field)
[docs] @classmethod def Decimal(cls, decimal, field=GF2, order="desc"): if not isinstance(decimal, (int, np.integer)): raise TypeError(f"Polynomial creation must have `decimal` be an integer, not {type(decimal)}") c = decimal_to_poly(decimal, field.order) if order == "desc": c = np.flip(c) return cls(c, field=field, order=order)
def __repr__(self): return "Poly({}, {})".format(poly_to_str(self.coeffs_asc), self.field.__name__) def __str__(self): return self.__repr__() @staticmethod def _verify_inputs(input1, input2): a = input1.coeffs # Verify type of second polynomial arithmetic argument and convert to a GF field type if isinstance(input2, Poly): b = input2.coeffs elif isinstance(input2, input1.field): b = input2 elif isinstance(input2, int): assert 0 <= input2 < input1.field.order b = input1.field(input2) else: raise AssertionError("Can only perform polynomial arithmetic with Poly, GF, or int classes") assert type(a) is type(b), "Can only perform polynomial arthimetic between two polynomials with coefficients in the same field" return a, b # TODO: Speed this up with numba
[docs] @staticmethod def divmod(dividend, divisor): # q(x)*b(x) + r(x) = a(x) a, b = Poly._verify_inputs(dividend, divisor) field = dividend.field a_degree = b_degree = if np.array_equal(a, [0]): quotient = Poly([0], field=field) remainder = Poly([0], field=field) elif a_degree < b_degree: quotient = Poly([0], field=field) remainder = Poly(a, field=field) else: deg_q = a_degree - b_degree deg_r = b_degree - 1 aa = field(np.append(a, field.Zeros(deg_r + 1))) for i in range(0, deg_q + 1): if aa[i] != 0: val = aa[i] / b[0] aa[i:i+b.size] -= val*b else: val = 0 aa[i] = val quotient = Poly(aa[0:deg_q + 1], field=field) remainder = Poly(aa[deg_q + 1:deg_q + 1 + deg_r + 1], field=field) return quotient, remainder
def __call__(self, x): return self.field._poly_eval(self.coeffs, x) def __add__(self, other): # c(x) = a(x) + b(x) a, b = Poly._verify_inputs(self, other) c = self.field.Zeros(max(a.size, b.size)) c[-a.size:] = a c[-b.size:] += b return Poly(c, field=self.field) def __sub__(self, other): # c(x) = a(x) - b(x) a, b = Poly._verify_inputs(self, other) c = self.field.Zeros(max(a.size, b.size)) c[-a.size:] = a c[-b.size:] -= b return Poly(c, field=self.field) def __mul__(self, other): # c(x) = a(x) * b(x) a, b = Poly._verify_inputs(self, other) a_degree = a.size - 1 b_degree = b.size - 1 c = self.field.Zeros(a_degree + b_degree + 1) for i in np.nonzero(b)[0]: c[i:i + a.size] += a*b[i] return Poly(c, field=self.field) def __neg__(self): return Poly(-self.coeffs, field=self.field) def __truediv__(self, other): return Poly.divmod(self, other)[0] def __floordiv__(self, other): return Poly.divmod(self, other)[0] def __mod__(self, other): return Poly.divmod(self, other)[1] def __pow__(self, other): assert isinstance(other, (int, np.integer)) and other >= 0 # c(x) = a(x) ** b a = self b = other # An integer if b == 0: return Poly([1], field=self.field) else: c = Poly(a.coeffs, field=self.field) for _ in range(b-1): c *= a return c def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, Poly) and (self.field is other.field) and np.array_equal(self.coeffs_asc, other.coeffs_asc) def __ne__(self, other): return not self.__eq__(other) @property def order(self): """ str: The interpretation of the ordering of the polynomial coefficients. `coeffs` are in exponent-descending order if `order="desc"` and in exponent-ascending order if `order="asc"`. """ return self._order @order.setter def order(self, order): if order not in ["desc", "asc"]: raise ValueError(f"The coefficient degree ordering `order` must be either 'desc' or 'asc', not {order}") self._order = order @property def coeffs(self): """ galois.GF2, galois.GF2m, galois.GFp, galois.GFpm: The polynomial coefficients as a Galois field array. Coefficients are :math:`[a_{N-1}, \\dots, a_1, a_0]` if `order="desc"` or :math:`[a_0, a_1, \\dots, a_{N-1}]` if `order="asc"`, where :math:`p(x) = a_{N-1}x^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0`. """ return self._coeffs @coeffs.setter def coeffs(self, coeffs): if not isinstance(coeffs, GF): raise TypeError(f"Galois field polynomials must have coefficients in a valid Galois field class (i.e. subclasses of GF), not {type(coeffs)}") if coeffs.ndim != 1: raise ValueError(f"Galois field polynomial coefficients must be arrays with dimension 1, not {coeffs.ndim}") idxs = np.nonzero(coeffs)[0] # Non-zero indices if idxs.size > 0: # Trim leading non-zero powers coeffs = coeffs[:idxs[-1]+1] if self.order == "asc" else coeffs[idxs[0]:] else: # All coefficients are zero, only return the x^0 place field = coeffs.__class__ coeffs = field([0]) self._coeffs = coeffs @property def coeffs_asc(self): """ galois.GF2, galois.GF2m, galois.GFp, galois.GFpm: The polynomial coefficients :math:`[a_0, a_1, \\dots, a_{N-1}]` as a Galois field array in exponent-ascending order, where :math:`p(x) = a_{N-1}x^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0`. """ return self.coeffs if self.order == "asc" else np.flip(self.coeffs) @property def coeffs_desc(self): """ galois.GF2, galois.GF2m, galois.GFp, galois.GFpm: The polynomial coefficients :math:`[a_{N-1}, \\dots, a_1, a_0]` as a Galois field array in exponent-ascending order, where :math:`p(x) = a_{N-1}x^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0`. """ return self.coeffs if self.order == "desc" else np.flip(self.coeffs) @property def degree(self): """ int: The degree of the polynomial, i.e. the highest degree with non-zero coefficient. """ return self.coeffs.size - 1 @property def field(self): """ galois.GF2, galois.GF2m, galois.GFp, galois.GFpm: The finite field to which the coefficients belong. """ return self.coeffs.__class__ @property def decimal(self): """ int: The integer representation of the polynomial. For :math:`p(x) = a_{N-1}x^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1x + a_0` with elements in :math:`\\mathrm{GF}(q)`, the decimal representation is :math:`d = a_{N-1} q^{N-1} + \\dots + a_1 q + a_0` (using integer arithmetic, not field arithmetic) where :math:`q` is the field order. """ c = self.coeffs_asc c = c.view(np.ndarray) # We want to do integer math, not Galois field math decimal = poly_to_decimal(c, self.field.order) return decimal