

Returns the element-wise additive inverse of a Galois field array.



In [1]: GF = galois.GF(31)

In [2]: x = GF.Random(10); x
Out[2]: GF([ 5,  4, 15,  9, 29, 17, 22, 19,  6, 17], order=31)

In [3]: y = np.negative(x); y
Out[3]: GF([26, 27, 16, 22,  2, 14,  9, 12, 25, 14], order=31)

In [4]: x + y
Out[4]: GF([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0], order=31)
In [5]: -x
Out[5]: GF([26, 27, 16, 22,  2, 14,  9, 12, 25, 14], order=31)

In [6]: -1*x
Out[6]: GF([26, 27, 16, 22,  2, 14,  9, 12, 25, 14], order=31)