Source code for galois.gfp

import numba
import numpy as np

from .algorithm import is_prime, extended_euclidean_algorithm, primitive_roots, modular_exp, min_poly
from .gf import _GF

[docs]class GFp(_GF): """ asdf """ _MUL_INV = [] _numba_ufunc_power = None _numba_ufunc_log = None def __new__(cls, *args, **kwargs): assert cls is not GFp, "GFp is an abstract base class, it cannot be instantiated directly; use GFp_factory() to generate a GF(p) class" return super().__new__(cls, *args, **kwargs) def _add(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): """ In GF(p), addition can be computed using addition in the integer field Z and the integer field result is taken `mod p` to get the result in GF(p). """ self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[0]) self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[1]) output = getattr(np.add, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) output = getattr(np.mod, method)(output, self.order, **kwargs) return output def _subtract(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): """ In GF(p), subtraction can be computed using subtraction in the integer field Z and the integer field result is taken `mod p` to get the result in GF(p). """ self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[0]) self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[1]) output = getattr(np.subtract, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) output = getattr(np.mod, method)(output, self.order, **kwargs) return output def _multiply(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): """ In GF(p), multiplication can be computed using multiplication in the integer field Z and the integer field result is taken `mod p` to get the result in GF(p). """ for i in [0,1]: if i in meta["gf_inputs"]: self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[i]) else: self._ufunc_verify_input_in_integers(ufunc, inputs[i]) output = getattr(np.multiply, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) output = getattr(np.mod, method)(output, self.order, **kwargs) return output def _divide(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): assert np.count_nonzero(inputs[1]) == inputs[1].size, "Cannont divide by 0 in a Galois field" self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[0]) self._ufunc_verify_input_in_field(ufunc, inputs[1]) # if np.count_nonzero(inputs[1]) != inputs[1].size: # warnings.warn("divide by zero encountered in \"{}\", 0 is outputted where 'Inf' would otherwise".format(ufunc), RuntimeWarning) dividend = inputs[0] divisor = inputs[1] inv_divisor = self._MUL_INV[divisor] # Lookup the multiplicative inverse of the divisor return self._multiply(ufunc, method, (dividend, inv_divisor), kwargs, meta) # outputs = getattr(np.bitwise_and, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) # return outputs def _negative(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): output = getattr(np.multiply, method)(inputs[0], -1, **kwargs) output = getattr(np.mod, method)(output, self.order, **kwargs) return output def _power(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): assert not np.any(np.logical_and(inputs[0] == 0, inputs[1] < 0)), "Cannot exponentiate 0 to a negative power in a Galois field" self._ufunc_verify_input_in_integers(ufunc, inputs[1]) outputs = getattr(self._numba_ufunc_power, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) return outputs def _square(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): inputs.append(np.array(2, dtype=int)) return self._power(ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta) def _log(self, ufunc, method, inputs, kwargs, meta): """ Log base alpha of elements in GF(p). """ assert np.count_nonzero(inputs[0]) == inputs[0].size, "Cannont compute log(0) in a Galois field" outputs = getattr(self._numba_ufunc_log, method)(*inputs, **kwargs) return outputs
def _ufunc_power(a, b): # Calculate a**b if b < 0: a = MUL_INV[a] b = abs(b) result = 1 for _ in range(0, b): result = (result * a) % ORDER return result def _ufunc_log(a): # Calculate np.log(a) return LOG[a] def _build_luts(p, alpha, dtype): """ Constructs the multiplicative inverse lookup table. Parameters ---------- p : int Galois field prime characteristic. alpha : int The primitive element of the Galois field. dtype : np.dtype Numpy data type for lookup tables. Returns ------- np.ndarray The anti-log lookup table for the field. `EXP[i] = alpha^i`. np.ndarray The log lookup table for the field. `LOG[i] = log_alpha(i)`. np.ndarray The multiplicative inverse lookup table for the field. `MUL_INV[i] = 1/i`. """ assert isinstance(p, int) order = p # exp = (alpha ** np.arange(0, order, dtype=dtype)) % order exp = modular_exp(alpha, np.arange(0, order, dtype=dtype), order) log = np.zeros(order, dtype=dtype) mul_inv = np.zeros(order, dtype=dtype) log[0] = 0 # Technically -Inf mul_inv[0] = 0 # Technically -Inf for i in range(1, order): if i < order-1: log[exp[i]] = i x, _, _ = extended_euclidean_algorithm(i, order) x = x % order # Make sure x is in [0, order), this is needed because x may be negative mul_inv[i] = x assert exp[order-1] == 1, "Alpha does not have multiplicative order 2^m - 1" assert len(set(exp[0:order-1])) == order - 1, "The anti-log LUT is not unique" assert len(set(log[1:order])) == order - 1, "The log LUT is not unique" assert len(set(mul_inv[1:order])) == order - 1, "The multiplicative inverse LUT is not unique; this should only happen is `p` is not prime" return exp, log, mul_inv
[docs]def GFp_factory(p, rebuild=False): """ Factory function to construct Galois field array classes of type GF(p). Parameters ---------- p : int The prime characteristic of the field GF(p). rebuild : bool, optional A flag to force a rebuild of the class and its lookup tables. Default is `False` which will return the cached, previously-built class if it exists. Returns ------- galois.GFp A new Galois field class that is a sublcass of `galois.GFp`. """ # pylint: disable=global-variable-undefined,protected-access assert is_prime(p) order = p name = "GF{}".format(order) # Use the smallest primitive root as the multiplicative generator for the field alpha = primitive_roots(p)[0] # If the requested field has already been constructed, return it instead of rebuilding if not rebuild and p in GFp_factory.classes: return GFp_factory.classes[p] assert 2 <= order < 2**16 dtype = np.int64 # if order < 2**8: # dtype = np.uint8 # else: # dtype = np.uint16 global MUL_INV, LOG, ORDER _, LOG, MUL_INV = _build_luts(p, alpha, dtype) ORDER = order # Create new class type cls = type(name, (GFp,), { "characteristic": p, "power": 1, "order": p, "alpha": alpha, "_dtype": dtype, "_MUL_INV": MUL_INV }) cls.prim_poly = min_poly(cls.alpha, cls, 1) cls._numba_ufunc_power = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64, int64)"], nopython=True)(_ufunc_power) cls._numba_ufunc_log = numba.vectorize(["int64(int64)"], nopython=True)(_ufunc_log) # Add class to dictionary of flyweights GFp_factory.classes[p] = cls return cls
GFp_factory.classes = {}