galois.Poly.__eq__(other: PolyLike) bool

Determines if two polynomials are equal.

other: PolyLike

The polynomial to compare against.


True if the two polynomials have the same coefficients and are over the same finite field.


Compare two polynomials over the same field.

In [1]: a = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5], field=galois.GF(7)); a
Out[1]: Poly(3x^2 + 5, GF(7))

In [2]: b = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5], field=galois.GF(7)); b
Out[2]: Poly(3x^2 + 5, GF(7))

In [3]: a == b
Out[3]: True

# They are still two distinct objects, however
In [4]: a is b
Out[4]: False

Compare two polynomials with the same coefficients but over different fields.

In [5]: a = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5], field=galois.GF(7)); a
Out[5]: Poly(3x^2 + 5, GF(7))

In [6]: b = galois.Poly([3, 0, 5], field=galois.GF(7**2)); b
Out[6]: Poly(3x^2 + 5, GF(7^2))

In [7]: a == b
Out[7]: False

Comparison with PolyLike objects is allowed for convenience.

In [8]: GF = galois.GF(7)

In [9]: a = galois.Poly([3, 0, 2], field=GF); a
Out[9]: Poly(3x^2 + 2, GF(7))

In [10]: a == GF([3, 0, 2])
Out[10]: True

In [11]: a == [3, 0, 2]
Out[11]: True

In [12]: a == "3x^2 + 2"
Out[12]: True

In [13]: a == 3*7**2 + 2
Out[13]: True

Last update: Nov 10, 2022