
A Union representing objects that can be coerced into a NumPy shape tuple.


  • int: The size of a 1-D array.

    In [1]: GF = galois.GF(3**5)
    In [2]: x = GF.Random(4); x
    Out[2]: GF([219, 215,  80,  15], order=3^5)
    In [3]: x.shape
    Out[3]: (4,)
  • Sequence [ int ]: An iterable of integer dimensions. Tuples or lists are allowed. An empty iterable, () or [], represents a 0-D array (scalar).

    In [4]: x = GF.Random((2, 3)); x
    GF([[166,   2, 146],
        [ 49, 178,   9]], order=3^5)
    In [5]: x.shape
    Out[5]: (2, 3)
    In [6]: x = GF.Random([2, 3, 4]); x
    GF([[[105, 136, 190, 186],
         [125,  89, 199,  34],
         [ 78, 103, 226,  35]],
        [[196, 172, 138, 236],
         [ 25,  44, 171, 173],
         [ 16,  89,  16, 140]]], order=3^5)
    In [7]: x.shape
    Out[7]: (2, 3, 4)
    In [8]: x = GF.Random(()); x
    Out[8]: GF(211, order=3^5)
    In [9]: x.shape
    Out[9]: ()


alias of Union[int, Sequence[int]]