

Released November 17, 2022

Breaking changes

  • Refactored FEC classes and usage. (#413, #435)

    • Modified BCH codes to support q-ary, non-primitive, and non narrow-sense codes.

    • Modified ReedSolomon codes to support non-primitive codes.

    • Enabled instantiation of a BCH or ReedSolomon code by specifying (n, k) or (n, d).

    • Removed parity_only=False keyword argument from FEC encode() methods and replaced with output="codeword".

    • Removed bch_valid_codes() from the API. Instead, use galois.BCH(n, d=d) to find and create a BCH code with codeword size n and design distance d. For example, here is how to find various code sizes of primitive BCH codes over GF(5).

      >>> import galois
      >>> GF = galois.GF(5)
      >>> for d in range(3, 10):
      ...     bch = galois.BCH(5**2 - 1, d=d, field=GF)
      ...     print(repr(bch))
      <BCH Code: [24, 20, 3] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 18, 4] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 16, 5] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 16, 6] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 15, 7] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 13, 8] over GF(5)>
      <BCH Code: [24, 11, 9] over GF(5)>
    • Removed generator_to_parity_check_matrix(), parity_check_to_generator_matrix(), poly_to_generator_matrix(), and roots_to_parity_check_matrix() from the API.

  • Renamed properties and methods for changing the finite field element representation. (#436)

    • Renamed display keyword argument in GF() to repr.

    • Renamed FieldArray.display() classmethod to FieldArray.repr().

    • Renamed FieldArray.display_mode property to FieldArray.element_repr.

      >>> import galois
      >>> GF = galois.GF(3**4, repr="poly")
      >>> x = GF.Random(2, seed=1); x
      GF([2α^3 + 2α^2 + 2α + 2,          2α^3 + 2α^2], order=3^4)
      >>> GF.repr("power"); x
      GF([α^46, α^70], order=3^4)
      >>> GF.element_repr


  • Added output="codeword" keyword argument to FEC encode() methods. (#435)

  • Added output="message" keyword argument to FEC decode() methods. (#435)

  • Standardized NumPy scalar return types (np.bool_ and np.int64) to Python types (bool and int). For example, in FieldArray.multiplicative_order(). (#437)

  • Improved documentation and published docs for pre-release versions (e.g., v0.3.x).


Last update: Nov 04, 2023